SPP 736:  Stoffeigenschaften komplexer fluider Gemische

Subject Area Chemistry
Term from 1995 to 2001
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5466274

Project Description

Reliable information on the thermophysical properties of fluid mixtures particularly on phase equilibria are required in many areas in the energy, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, for the design and operation of processes in food technology and biotechnology as well as in environmental engineering. Currently such properties of multicomponent mixtures can be predicted from pure component and binary mixture data, as long as the mixture components do not differ significantly in their physico-chemical nature. However, when the mixture components differ considerably in size, shape and chemical identity, i.e. in complex mixtures, a reliable prediction of the thermophysical properties and the composition of coexisting fluid phases is rarely possible. The research programme is aiming to develop and test methods for the correlation and prediction of thermodynamic properties of such complex mixtures by at first providing a reliable and extensive base of experimental data, and, at second, to develop theories and models for describing such properties. The experimental and theoretical parts should utilize modern techniques particularly suited for the investigation of microscopic properties e.g. the chemical equilbrium in chemical reactive mixtures. To reach the goals the programme is aiming to increase and support cooperation between research groups from different areas, such as from chemical engineering and sciences. The results of the research projects are to reveal exemplary methods for experimental investigations and the modeling of thermodynamic properties of complex fluid mixtures of industrial importance.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes


Spokesperson Professor Dr.-Ing. Gerd Maurer