Dynamic response of surface energy and mass balance of Vest- and Austfonna (Nordaustlandet, Svalbard) on climate change

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Dieter Scherer; Professor Dr. Christoph Schneider
Fachliche Zuordnung Physische Geographie
Förderung Förderung von 2008 bis 2014
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 54616321


The International Polar Year (IPY) 2007/08 has led to the formation of large international scientific consortia for research on the response of Arctic glaciers on climate change. The currently funded research project for which we apply for follow-up funding for one additional year is part of and contributing to two fully endorsed IPY core activities, namely GlacioDyn and Kinnvika. The study area comprises Nordaustlandet, Svalbard, where the two ice caps Vest- and Austfonna form the largest ice masses of the European Arctic. Little is known on current variability and trends of the surface energy and mass balance of these ice caps and the sensitivity of these properties to climate change. The applicants have been able to partly filling this gap by taking advantage of the international collaboration within the IPY. We have developed a set of coupled numerical models for determining the surface mass balance of Vest- and Austfonna and its climate sensitivity. Calibration and validation data for the models have been acquired during several field campaigns taking place since 2008. Our own results and collaborative research within the European SvalGlac project (with involvement of both applicants) revealed the high significance of snow drift for snow accumulation and subsequent processes, in particular refreezing of meltwater. These topics will be in the focus in the final phase of the DFG project, and shall be addressed by an innovative approach based on coupled atmospheric-glaciological model simulations validated by the now available comprehensive data sets.
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