INnovative multi-Sensor observation of ionosPheric IRregularities over Europe - INSPIRE

Applicants Dr. Christina Arras; Professor Dr. Jens Wickert
Subject Area Atmospheric Science
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 546016814

Project Description

The Earth’s lower ionosphere and in particular sporadic E layers are strongly influenced by coupling processes between the neutral atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere and the geospace environment. Sporadic E layers result from complex interactions of meteoroids bringing metallic ions into our atmosphere, dynamics (especially vertical shears of the zonal wind) of the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere, Earth’s magnetic field parameters, and geomagnetic activity. Our understanding of the processes responsible for sporadic E formation and its variability is still not complete and there is a distinct need to understand the related coupling processes in the atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere system. Within this project, we would like to approach this challenging topic by using sporadic E layer data collected by a combination of multiple sensors in the European sector. As a basis, we will analyze a long-term time series of ionosonde soundings from several stations in Europe. Recent GNSS radio occultation measurements are performed by more than 50 satellites from 8 missions. Combining the different ground- and space-based data for investigating the lower ionospheric sporadic E phenomenon is unique and has never been done before. It will allow us to get a comprehensive picture of sporadic E layer occurrence and its behavior in the European sector. Further, we expect exceptional insights into the processes driving the sporadic E formation, its properties and dynamics that are valid also for other regions in the world of similar latitude. The profit of independent technique combinations lies in their different sensitivity to particular Es layer aspects. It could help us to provide deeper insight into layer morphology, for instance, stratification, horizontal extent and multiple-layer structures.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Czech Republic
Partner Organisation Czech Science Foundation
Cooperation Partner Dr. Petra Koucká Knízová