Combined analysis and validation of Earth rotation models and observations

Applicants Professor Dr.-Ing. Hansjörg Kutterer; Professor Dr.-Ing. Michael Schmidt; Professor Dr.-Ing. Florian Seitz
Subject Area Geophysics and Geodesy
Term from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5471782

Final Report

Final Report Year 2015

Final Report Abstract

Within the six-year period of this Research Unit at GIH reliable consistent time series for Earth rotation parameters (ERP), geophysical excitation functions and low-degree spherical harmonic gravity field coefficients (GFC) have been determined for the first time due to their physical connection by the Earth's tensor of inertia. At DGFI within the project P6 (first three-year period) and P9 (last three-year period) of the Research Unit for the first time several polar motion excitation mechanisms are determined by combining precise geometic, gravimetric and altimetric space observations. The new improved findings about the individual contributions of the subsystems of the Earth to Earth rotation variations can be used to improve the understanding of geophysical processes and interactions. During the three-years period of the second phase of the Research Unit at IAPG an improved value for the complex Love number k2 has been determined by an inversion of the Earth system model DyMEG. This way the pole-tide Love number k2 has been estimated for the first time from precise geodetic observations instead of geophysical models. The results of P9 provide a considerable contribution to the understanding of geophysical processes and interactions in the Earth system and also to various goals of the research unit. Consistent time series of ERP and GFC, accurate time series of individual excitation mechanisms of the Earth rotation and physical Earth parameters will significantly improve the data base and quality (goal Z6). This project contributes to the field of Earth system science in general and corresponds with the goals of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS; goal Z5). The findings of this project can be used to improve the modelling of geophysical processes in the relevant subsystems of the Earth and their interactions (goal Z1).


DFG Programme Research Units
Subproject of FOR 584:  Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic Processes