Earth orientation parameters (EOP) and low-degree harmonic coefficients of the gravity field of the Earth are fundamental geodetic contributions to the description of global geodynamic processes. Although these time-variable parameters are physically connected by the Earth¿s tensor of inertia, it is still common practice to derive the respective time series separately. This is mainly due to the independent space-geodetic observation techniques in use (geometric techniques for the EOP vs. gravity field satellite missions). Aiming at high precision and physical consistency it is indispensable to mutually validate and to jointly analyze the data. Hence, the final goal of this project is to derive reliable time series for EOP and gravity field coefficients from recent satellite missions by using and merging all available relevant data in a highly consistent way. For this purpose the present amount of inconsistency will be assessed. A proper statistical methodology for the combination of the parameter time series on the data level will be developed and recommended. The results of this project are of particular interest for the consistent combination of EOP and gravity field data on the model level.