Further Understanding and Development of Solid Lithium Electrolytes Based on Garnet-like Structure for Batteries and other Applications
Fachliche Zuordnung
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Funktionsmaterialien
Förderung von 2005 bis 2008
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5454554
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Development of All-Solid- State Lithium Batteries, in: Solid Sate Ionics - Advanced Materials for Emerging Technologies (B.V.R. Chowdari, M.A. Careem, M.A.K.L. Dissanayake, R.M.G. Rajapakse and V.A. Seneviratne, Eds.), World Scientific Publ. Co., Singapore, pp. 723 - 734 (2006)
V. Thangadurai, J. Schwenzel and W. Weppner
Effect of Sintering on the Ionic Conductivity of Garnet-Related Structure Li5La3Nb2O12 and In- and K-Doped Li5La3Nb20i2, J. Solid State Chem. 179, 974 - 984 (2006)
V. Thangadurai and W. Weppner
Electrolytes Based on Garnet-Like Structure for All-solid-state Lithium lon Battery, Hemdsärmelkolloquium, Kiel, March 16 - 18.2006
R. Murugan and W. Weppner
Fast Lithium lon Conductors Based on Garnet-type Structure, 7NCSSI, Coimbatore, India, June 6 - 8 , 2006
R. Murugan. V. Thangadurai and W. Weppner
Fast Lithium lon Conductors Based on Garnet-Type Structure, in: Solid State Ionics and its Applications (S. Selvasekarapandian, N. Kalaiselvi, B. Nalini and V. Joseph, Eds.) Vol. 1, Macmillan India, Delhi, pp. 236 - 252 (2006)
R. Murugan, V. Thangadurai and W. Weppner
Materials Development for High-Performance Lithium lon Batteries, 210th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Cancun, Mexico, OcL 29 - Nov. 3, 2006
R. Murugan, V. Thangadurai, J. Schwenzel and W. Weppner
Recent Progress in Solid Oxide and Lithium lon Conducting Electrolytes Research, Ionics 12, 81 - 92 (2006)
V. Thangadurai and W. Weppner
Untersuchungen an Materialien zur Realisierung von Lithiumfestkörperbatterien, Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften (Dr. Ing.) der Technischen Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Dezember 2006
Ch. Knittlmayer
Development of Novel Fast Solid Lithium lon Conductors Based on (3arnet Structures, 1lth EuroConference on Solid State Ionics, Batz-sur-Mer, France, Sept. 9 - 1 5 , 2007
R. Murugan. V. Thangadurai and W. Weppner
Fast Lithium lon Conduction in Garnet-type Li7La3Zr20i2. Angew. Chem. 119, 7925 - 7928 (2007); Angew. Chem. InL Ed. Engl. 46, 7778 - 7781 (2007)
R. Murugan, V. Thangadurai and W. Weppner
Lithium lon Conductivity in Li5+xBaxLa3-xTa20i2 (x = 0 - 2) with Garnet-related Structure in Dependence of the Barium Content, Ionics 13, 195 - 203 (2007)
R. Murugan, V. Thangadurai and W. Weppner
Structure and Lithium lon Conductivity of Bismuth Containing Lithium Garnets Li5La3Bi20i2and Li6SrLa2Bi20i2, Materials Science and Engineering B 143, 14 - 20 (2007)
R. Murugan, W. Weppner, P. Schmid-Beurmann and V. Thangadurai
Development of Solid Electrolytes for High-Performance Lithium Batteries, 214th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Hl, 12 - 17 Oct 2008
V. Thangadurai, R. Murugan and W. Weppner
Effect of Lithium lon Content on the Lithium lon Conductivity of the Garnet-like Structure Li5+xBaLa2Ta20ii 5+0 5 (x = 0 -2), Appl. Phys. A 91, 615 - 620 (2008)
R. Murugan, V. Thangadurai and W. Weppner
Lattice Parameter and Sintering Temperature Dependence of Bulk and Grain Boundary Conduction of Garnet-like Fast Solid Lithium lon Conductors, J. Electrochem. Soc. 155. A90 - A101 (2008)
R. Murugan, V. Thangadurai and W. Weppner
Nano Size Effects in Solid State Ionics and Microbatteries for Microelectronic Devices, ICONAME 2008, Puducherry, India, 3 - 5 Jan. 2008
W. Weppner and R. Murugan
Structure and lithium ion conductivity of garnet-like Li5La3Sb20i2 and Li6SrLa2Sb20i2. Mat. Res. Bull. 43, 2579-2591 (2008)
R. Murugan, W. Weppner, P. Schmid-Beurmann and V. Thangadurai
Preparation and Characterization of Li2CoMn308 Thin Film Cathodes for High Energy Lithium Batteries, Ionics 15, 1 1 - 17 (2009)
Y. Bai, C. Knittlmayer, S. Gledhill, I. Lauermann, Ch.-H. Fischer and W. Weppner