Architecture of the Central Nervous System in Nemathelminthes

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa
Fachliche Zuordnung Evolution, Anthropologie
Förderung Förderung von 2005 bis 2012
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5453208


The project wants to provide detailed information on the nervous system of representatives ofthe Nemathelminthes based on immunohistological staining techniques and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The first two phases produced basic information on the information content of single stainings in reference to the entire nervous system as well as methodological tools to work with animals having a cuticle. Data collection has been successful in three of the five taxa included into the project. 26 species of Gastrotricha were investigated, spanning the entire range of gastrotrich diversity. In the third project phase, few gaps (such as representatives of Lepidodasyidae) should be filled and the available data will be phylogenetically analysed. Two species of Priapulida were investigated and two further ones were collected, which will be investigated partly in the remaining time in the second phase of the project and partly in the third phase. Data for two kinorhynch species were obtained, with developmental data and a further species being scheduled for the third phase. Staining of nematomorph larvae was unsuccessful, but now controlled access to material is possible and the staining procedure will be optimized. In the third phase, adults will also be investigated. The collection of Loricifera was unsuccessful, but the collection attempt should be repeated. Within the third phase of the project, the collection and investigation of the species should be finalized. In parallel, joint analyses will be made. The groups working on nervous systems within the SPP are currently working on a glossary. In phase 3, a data matrix will be assembled and analyzed and morphological data are made available for an analysis together with molecular data gained within the SPP.
DFG-Verfahren Schwerpunktprogramme
Teilprojekt zu SPP 1174:  Deep Metazoan Phylogeny - Stammesgeschichte der Großgruppen der Tiere