Molecular phylogenetic analysis of basal lineages of the Bilateria
Fachliche Zuordnung
Evolution, Anthropologie
Förderung von 2005 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5452341
In our contribution to the priority program we focus on the phylogenetic relationships of taxa that are supposed to represent basal lineages of the Bilateria. In the next phase we aim to complete our data set for the lophophorate taxa and supplement it by additional EST projects with Plumatella repens (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata) and Terebratulina retusa (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonelliformea). Utilizing these data we intend to test the monophyly of the Bryozoa and the Brachiopoda. Moreover, breaking the long branches to the Bryozoa and the Brachiopoda will contribute to a better resolution of the relationships of these groups within the Lophotrochozoa. Furthermore, we want to compile large sets of protein-coding genes of additional taxa that are supposed to be basal lineages of the Bilateria and the Lophotrochozoa, namely the Myxozoa and the Platyhelminthes. We propose EST projects with Myxobolus cerebralis (Myxozoa, Myxosporea) and Stenostomum leucops (Platyhelminthes, Catenulida). Based on these data sets we want to test several hypotheses: 1) the Myxozoa are the sister group of the Bilateria and 2) the Catenulida are the sister group of the Rhabditophora. Breaking the long branches to the Rhabditophora will contribute to a better resolution of the relationships of the Platyhelminthes sensu stricto (= Catenulida + Rhabditophora) within the Lophotrochozoa.