Neuronale Korrelate des strategischen Entscheidungsverhaltens und ihre Beeinflussung durch gelernte Hilflosigkeit

Antragstellerin Professorin Dr. Uta Sailer
Fachliche Zuordnung Allgemeine, Kognitive und Mathematische Psychologie
Förderung Förderung von 2005 bis 2008
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5451426


Erstellungsjahr 2008

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

The main results of the experiments performed in the course of this project were: - The same brain structures are recruited before and after learning the decision-making task applied. Automatisation of performance is accompanied by a change in the degree of activation of the same brain areas, not with the recruitment of different brain areas as strategies are developed. - PTSD patients show slower learning as compared to healthy controls. This might be related to their reduced brain activation in reward-related brain structures following the experience of gains. - Learning decreases the feedback-related negativity, i.e., a relatively negative deflection at FCz after loss compared to gain feedback. These results lend further support to the view that the FRN is a reward prediction signal. - Learning progresses slower in subjects who are in the state of "learned helplessness", even if they reach 100% correct responses in the end. The relationship to neural processes is currently further analysed.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • (2006). Cortical Networks involved in Decision-Making: Independent Component Analysis and Source Localisation of Slow Cortical Potentials. In: 'FENS Forum Abstracts', A 159.2.
    Fischmeister FP, Sailer U, Bauer H
  • (2006). Neuronal activation changes when learning to make correct decisions: An fMRI study. In: 'SfN Abstract CD-ROM', 165.5/AA8
    Sailer U, Robinson S, Fischmeister FP, Moser E, Kryspin-Exner I, Bauer H
  • (2007). Imaging the changing role of feedback during learning in decision-making. Neuroimage, 37,1474-86
    Sailer U, Robinson S, Fischmeister FP, Moser E, Kryspin-Exner I, Bauer H
  • (2007). Neural dynamics of decision-making at different levels of outcome predictability. In: 'Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting Program 2007', Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Suppl. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, pp. 112
    Fischmeister FP, Sailer U, Bauer H
  • (2007). Predictive eye and hand movements are differentially affected by schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 257: 413-422
    Sailer U, Eggert T, Strassnig M, Riedel M, Sträube A
  • (2008). A Resting State Network in the Basal Ganglia. ISMRM abstracts
    Robinson S, Soldati N, Basso G, Sailer U, Jovicich J, Bruzzone L, Kryspin-Exner I, Bauer H, Moser E
DFG-Verfahren Forschungsstipendien
Internationaler Bezug Österreich
Gastgeber Professor Dr. Herbert Bauer