Project Details
Determinanten der geschlechtspezifischen Unterschiede in Kindersterblichkeit und Gesundheitsversorgung in Südasien
Professor Stephan Klasen, Ph.D. (†)
Subject Area
Statistics and Econometrics
from 2005 to 2008
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5451192
Final Report Year
No abstract available
(2007): Intrahousehold Health Care Financing Strategy and the Gender Gap: Empirical Evidence from India, forthcoming, Health Economics
Asfaw A, Lamanna F, und Klasen S
2007, Gender inequality in health care utilization in India between 1986 and 1996: is there any progress?, Washington D.C.
Asfaw A, Lamanna F, und Klasen S
(2008), Women and Development, in B. Lomborg (ed.) Global Crises, global solutions. Cambridge University Press
King, Klasen, und Porter
2008. Three Essays on the Gender Differentials in Mortality and Undernutrition in Pakistan. Dissertation at the Georg-August University Goettingen
Syed Mohammad Asim