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Determinanten der geschlechtspezifischen Unterschiede in Kindersterblichkeit und Gesundheitsversorgung in Südasien

Subject Area Statistics and Econometrics
Term from 2005 to 2008
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5451192
Final Report Year 2008

No abstract available


  • (2007): Intrahousehold Health Care Financing Strategy and the Gender Gap: Empirical Evidence from India, forthcoming, Health Economics
    Asfaw A, Lamanna F, und Klasen S
  • 2007, Gender inequality in health care utilization in India between 1986 and 1996: is there any progress?, Washington D.C.
    Asfaw A, Lamanna F, und Klasen S
  • (2008), Women and Development, in B. Lomborg (ed.) Global Crises, global solutions. Cambridge University Press
    King, Klasen, und Porter
  • 2008. Three Essays on the Gender Differentials in Mortality and Undernutrition in Pakistan. Dissertation at the Georg-August University Goettingen
    Syed Mohammad Asim

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