SFB 799: TRIP-Matrix-Composites - Design of Tough, Transformation-Strengthened Composites and Structures Based on Fe-ZrO2
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
Final Report Abstract
The Collaborative Research Center 799 "TRIP-Matrix-Composite - Design of Tough, Transformation-Reinforced Composites and Structures based on Fe-ZrO2" has spent 12 years studying high-performance composites of TRIP/TWIP steel (TRIP: TRansformation-Induced Plasticity, TWIP: TWinning-Induced Plasticity) and zirconia ceramics that exhibit high energy absorption capacity at very good ductility. These outstanding mechanical properties were made possible by combining the martensitic phase transformations occurring in both components under loading. In order to develop a wide range of applications for the composites, various manufacturing processes of classical powder metallurgy, ceramic production and melt infiltration have been explored. Ceramics manufacturing technologies such as extrusion, slip casting, slip-based alginate, and metallo-ceramic paper manufacturing were transferred to the TRIP-Matrix-Composites to produce macrostructures (honeycombs, foams, paper, solid and hollow spheres) from the new composites. The filigree honeycomb structures produced by plastic forming through extrusion and subsequent sintering with excellent energy absorption capacity are particularly suitable for crash structures. Ceramic bodies were infiltrated with molten steel to produce ceramic-reinforced steel castings. To optimize the properties of the composites, extensive research was carried out into high-alloy stainless CrMnNi steels. The basis was a cast steel material whose mechanical properties were adjusted over a wide range by varying the chemical composition. In addition, high-strength and ultra- high-strength steel variants were newly developed. In the characterization of the composites, the research focused on the microstructure, its behavior under mechanical load, and on the formation of interfaces between steel and ceramic particles. The processes in the material were studied in situ, i.e. under mechanical stress using new methodological developments, which concerned, in addition to the electron microscopy, the X-ray and synchrotron diffraction, computed tomography, digital image correlation and the acoustic emission measurements. The main achievement of this project part was the elucidation of the mechanisms and kinetics of plasticity and energy dissipation. This work was complemented by modeling the processes in the composite material during manufacture (infiltration, powder production by melt atomization, welding) and under mechanical loading. Complementary models were developed that describe the properties on different size scales, both in the steel, in the ceramic zirconia phase and in the composite. In addition, thermodynamic modeling of the materials was carried out. The composites studied in the SFB 799 exhibit outstanding properties for a wide range of applications, as demonstrated in four transfer projects. Special focus was placed on the qualification of doctoral students, who were familiarized with state-of-the-art scientific methods as well as soft skills within the framework of a graduate training program. These activities were embedded in a wide range of activities to recruit young talent, from students to support for post-doctoral researchers. In addition, the SFB was continuously accompanied by public relations activities in order to bring the SFB and its results closer to both the specialist community and the general public. Thus, the original concept of TRIP-Matrix-Composites was implemented, the scientific questions were clarified on a broad scale and finally a new family of materials with attractive properties was presented.
Energy-absorbing TRIP-Steel/Mg-PSZ composite honeycomb structures based on ceramic extrusion at room temperature, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 6 (2009), pp. 727-735
Aneziris, C.G., Schärfl, W., Biermann, H., Martin, U.
Microstructure and compression strength of novel TRIP-steel/Mg-PSZ composites, Advanced Engineering Materials, 11 (2009), pp. 1000-1006
Biermann, H., Martin, U., Aneziris, C.G., Kolbe, A., Müller, W., Schärfl, W., Herrmann, M.
Effect of austenite stability on the low cycle fatigue behavior and microstructure of high alloyed metastable austenitic cast TRIP-steels, Procedia Engineering, 2 (2010), pp. 2085-2094
Glage, A., Weidner, A., Biermann, H.
Novel TRIP-steel/Mg- PSZ composite-open cell foam structures for energy absorption, Advanced Engineering Materials, 12 (2010), pp. 197-204
Aneziris, C.G., Berek, H., Hasterok, M., Biermann, H., Wolf, S., Krüger, L.
Screening of the interactions between Mg- PSZ and TRIP-steel and its alloys during sintering, Advanced Engineering Materials, 12 (2010), pp. 486-492
Weigelt, C., Giersberg, S., Wenzel, C., Aneziris, C.G.
Ceramic processing for TRIP-steel/Mg-PSZ composite materials for mechanical applications, Steel Research International, 82 (2011), pp. 1080-1086
Weigelt, C., Aneziris, C.G., Yanina, A., Guk, S.
Characterization of stress–strain behavior of a cast TRIP steel under different biaxial planar load ratios, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78 (2011), pp. 1684–1695
Kulawinski, D.; Nagel, K.; Henkel, S.; Hübner, P.; Fischer, H.; Kuna, M.; Biermann, H.
Cyclic deformation behaviour of three austenitic cast CrMnNi TRIP/TWIP steels with various Ni content, Steel Research International, 82 (2011), pp. 1040-1047
Glage, A., Weidner, A., Biermann, H.
Determination of the phase distribution in sintered TRIP-matrix / Mg-PSZ composites using EBSD, Steel Research International, 82 (2011), pp. 1094-1100
Berek, H., Yanina, A., Weigelt, C., Aneziris, C.G.
Influence of temperature on phase transformation and deformation mechanisms of cast CrMnNi-TRIP/TWIP steel, Solid State Phenomena, 172-174 (2011), pp. 172-177
Martin, S., Wolf, S., Martin, U., Krüger, L.
Reinforcing mechanism of Mg- PSZ particles in highly-alloyed TRIP steel, Steel Research International, 82 (2011), pp. 1133-1140
Martin, S., Richter, S., Decker, S., Martin, U., Krüger, L., Rafaja, D.
Stacking fault model of-martensite and its DIFFaX implementation, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 44 (2011), pp. 779-787
Martin, S., Ullrich, C., Simek, D., Martin, U., Rafaja, D.
Stacking faults in high-alloyed metastable austenitic cast steel observed by electron channelling contrast imaging, Scripta Materialia, 64 (2011), pp. 513-516
Weidner, A., Martin, S., Klemm, V., Martin, U., Rafaja, D., Biermann, H.
Strain rate dependent flow stress and energy absorption behaviour of cast CrMnNi TRIP/TWIP steels, Steel Research International, 82 (2011), pp. 1087-1093
Krüger, L., Wolf, S., Martin, S., Martin, U., Jahn, A., Weiß, A., Scheller, P.R.
Strength and failure behaviour of spark plasma sintered steel-zirconia composites under compressive loading, Steel Research International, 82 (2011), pp. 1017-1021
Krüger, L., Decker, S., Ohser-Wiedemann, R., Ehinger, D., Martin, S., Martin, U., Seifert, H. J.
Temperature Depending Influence of the Martensite Formation on the Mechanical Properties of High-Alloyed Cr-Mn-Ni As- Cast Steels, Steel Research International, 82 (2011), pp. 39–44
Jahn, A., Kovalev, A., Weiß, A., Wolf, S., Krüger, L., Scheller, P. R.
SEM investigation of high-alloyed austenitic stainless cast steels with varying austenite stability at room temperature and 100°C, Steel Research International, 83 (2012), pp. 512-520
Biermann, H., Solarek, J., Weidner, A.
Strain-rate-dependent flow stress and failure of an Mg-PSZ reinforced TRIP matrix composite produced by spark plasma sintering, Steel Research International, 83 (2012), pp. 521–528
Decker, S., Krüger, L., Richter, S., Martin, S., Martin, U.
STT and DTT diagrams of austenitic Cr- Mn-Ni as-cast steels and crucial thermodynamic aspects of γ→α' transformation, Steel Research International, 83 (2012), pp. 576-583
Kovalev, A., Jahn, A., Weiß, A., Wolf, S., Scheller, P.R.
Effect of Manganese on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cast High Alloyed CrMnNi-N Steels, Advanced Engineering Materials, 15 (2013), pp. 558–565
Wendler, M., Weiss, A., Krüger, L., Mola, J., Franke, A., Kovalev, A., Wolf, S.
Kinetics of deformation processes in high-alloyed cast TRIP/TWIP steels determined by acoustic emission and scanning electron microscopy: Influence of austenite stability on deformation mechanisms, Acta Materialia, 61 (2013), pp. 2434-2449
Vinogradov, A., Lazarev, A., Linderov, M., Weidner, A., Biermann, H.
Microstructure defects contributing to the energy absorption in CrMnNi TRIP steels, Advanced Engineering Materials, 15 (2013), pp. 571-582
Borisova, D., Klemm, V., Martin, S., Wolf, S., Rafaja, D.
Numerical simulation of a single rising bubble by VOF with surface compression, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 71 (2013), pp. 960-982
Klostermann, J., Schaake, K., Schwarze, R.
Ultrafine grained high-alloyed austenitic TRIP steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 571 (2013), pp. 68-76
Weidner, A., Müller, A., Weiss, A., Biermann, H.
A thermomechanically coupled material model for TRIP-steel, International Journal of Plasticity, 55 (2014), pp. 182-197
Prüger, S., Seupel, A., Kuna, M.
Biaxial in-phase and out-of-phase cyclic deformation and fatigue behavior of an austenitic TRIP steel, International Journal of Fatigue, 67 (2014), pp. 123-133
Ackermann, S., Kulawinski, D., Henkel, S., Biermann, H.
Constitutive modelling of the rate dependent flow stress of cast high-alloyed metastable austenitic TRIP/TWIP steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 594 (2014), pp. 72-81
Wolf, S., Martin, S., Krüger, L., Martin, U.
Deformation mechanisms in austenitic TRIP/TWIP steels at room and elevated temperature investigated by acoustic emission and scanning electron microscopy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 597 (2014), pp. 183-193
Linderov, M., Segel, C., Weidner, A., Biermann, H., Vinogradov, A.
Fatigue behaviour of hot pressed austenitic TWIP steel and TWIP steel/Mg-PSZ composite materials, International Journal of Fatigue, 65 (2014), pp. 9-17
Glage, A., Weigelt, C., Räthel, J., Biermann, H.
Nanoindentation measurements on deformation-induced α’-martensite in a metastable austenitic high-alloy CrMnNi steel, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 94 (2014), pp. 522-530
Weidner, A., Hangen, U.D., Biermann, H.
Stacking fault energy in austenitic steels determined by using in situ X-ray diffraction during bending, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 47 (2014), pp. 936-947
Rafaja, D., Krbetschek, C., Ullrich, C., Martin, S.
Austenitic TRIP/TWIP steels and steel-zirconia composites, Springer Nature, Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol. 298, 2020
Biermann, H., Aneziris, C.G. (Hrsg.)
Combination of different in situ characterization techniques and scanning electron microscopy investigations for a comprehensive description of the tensile deformation behavior of a CrMnNi TRIP/TWIP steel, JOM, 67 (2015), pp. 1729-1747
Weidner, A., Biermann, H.
Deformation bands in high-alloy austenitic 16Cr6Mn6Ni TRIP steel: Phase transformation and its consequences on strain hardening at room temperature, Steel Research International, 86 (2015), pp. 1187-1196
Martin, S., Wolf, S., Decker, S., Krüger, L., Martin, U.
Magnitude of shear of deformation-induced α'-martensite in high-alloy metastable steel, Materials Letters, 143 (2015), pp. 155-158
Weidner, A., Segel, C., Biermann, H.
Deformation Mechanisms in Austenitic TRIP/TWIP Steel as a Function of Temperature, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47 (2016), pp. 49-58
Martin, S., Wolf, S., Martin, U., Krüger, L., Rafaja, D.
Influence of Powder Particle Size on the Compaction Behavior and Mechanical Properties of a High-Alloy Austenitic CrMnNi TRIP Steel During Spark Plasma Sintering, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47 (2016), pp. 170-177
Decker, S., Martin, S., Krüger, L.
Interplay of microstructure defects in austenitic steel with medium stacking fault energy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 649 (2016), pp. 390-399
Ullrich, C., Eckner, R., Krüger, L., Martin, S., Klemm, V., Rafaja, D.
Quenching and partitioning (Q&P) processing of fully austenitic stainless steels, Acta Materialia, 133 (2017), pp. 346–355
Wendler, M., Ullrich, C., Hauser, M., Krüger, L., Volkova, O., Weiß, A., Mola, J.
Design of novel materials for additive manufacturing - Isotropic microstructure and high defect tolerance, Scientific Reports, 8 (2018), 1298
Günther, J., Brenne, F., Droste, M., Wendler, M., Volkova, O., Biermann, H., Niendorf, T.