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Efficacy and modes of action of an age-sensitive telehealth group therapy to reduce clinical depression (with and without anxiety) in older adults (VISION-AGE)

Subject Area Personality Psychology, Clinical and Medical Psychology, Methodology
Developmental and Educational Psychology
Clinical Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Term since 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 544629970
Despite numerous advances in the field of psychotherapy in old age, there are still deficits in the development of appropriately needs-based and effective psychotherapeutic approaches for the severely undersupplied group of older adults. The aim of the proposed study is to examine effectiveness and change mechanisms of an age-sensitive group-therapy program (VISION-AGE) for older people with unipolar depression with and without symptoms of anxiety in a video-conference setting. The therapeutic focus of VISION-AGE is promoting self- and developmental regulation strategies that have been proven to benefit mental health as well as the absence of symptoms of depression and anxiety in old age, namely adaptive forms of 1) life review, 2) life management and 3) life planning. To do so, well-established methods of life review are used, enriched by cognitive-behavioral therapy and therapeutic techniques of positive psychology. The research question will be examined in a prospective, randomized-controlled study (N=250; superiority design with intervention group and a non-clinical active control group [discussion group]) with additional qualitative data collection (mixed methods design). After baseline assessment, each module, the last session and six months after (follow-up), assessment of primary (reduction of depressive symptoms) and secondary outcome (reduction of depression severity and symptoms of anxiety, improvement of psychological well-being) is carried out. Positive reminiscence, life management and future planning are examined as mediator variables. The two moderator variables, i.e. type of symptoms (depression with/ without anxiety) and their intensity (major vs. minor), are examined exploratively post hoc. In addition to the collection of quantitative data based on standardized instruments, guided interviews are carried out, which are evaluated to determine which processes of change the participants experience in their daily life after participating in the program. The triangulation of quantitative and qualitative results allows comparing the extent to which the program is effective compared to a non-clinical discussion group. It also allows to point out the mechanisms underlying changes from an objective as well as subjective perspective. If a positive program effect occurs, the clinical usefulness of VISION-AGE shall be tested in various clinical conditions and in specific populations under naturalistic conditions. The medium-term goal is to develop an effective and efficient psychotherapy program that is accessible and appropriate for the heavily undersupplied target population and that may be used for transdiagnostic purposes.
DFG Programme Clinical Trials

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