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Moonlets in planetaren Ringen: Implikationen für die Ringentstehung?

Subject Area Astrophysics and Astronomy
Term from 2005 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5445455
Final Report Year 2012

Final Report Abstract

In course of the project our early models of the gravitational action of small moons (moonlets) embedded directly in dense planetary have been extended in order to complete the structural “fingerprint” of such moonlets. Numerical particle-in-a-box “experiments” considering dissipative particle collisions and full three spatial dimensions have been carried out to show that the predicted propeller structures are decorated with density wakes which strongly modify the appearance of the structure. Furthermore, the radial and azimuthal scalings, obtained analytically, have been confirmed with the numerical simulations so that in this way indeed a model “characteristics” pointing to embedded moonlets has been provided in the framework of the project. This theoretical preliminary has been affirmed by the detection of the predicted Propellerstructures by Tiscareno et al. Motivated by these successes, we (former and present members of our group) have inspected further data of the cameras (ISS) of the Cassini spacecraft with the result of spotting eight moonlets out of 13 Propellers. Five images show a reappearance of the feature at a later moment shifted by the orbital motion proving in this way that these structures are indeed grooved in the rings by the gravity of “skyscraper”-sized moonlets! Meanwhile more than 150 Propellermoonlets have been detected in the A ring (and a few even in the B ring) of Saturn.


  • (2005). Structures induced by small moonlets in Saturn’s rings: Implications for the Cassini mission. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32
    Seiß, M.; Spahn, F.; Sremčevič, M.; and Salo, H.
  • (2006). Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus: Implications for Saturn’s E ring. Science, 311:1416–1418
    Spahn, F.; Seiß, M. et al.
  • (2006). E ring dust sources: Implications from Cassini’s dust measurements. Planet. Space Sci., 54:1024–1032
    Spahn, F.; Albers, N.; Hörning, M.; Kempf, S.; Krivov, A.; Makuch, M.; Schmidt, J.; and Seiß, M.
  • (2006). Saturn’s bared Mini-Moons. Nature, 440:614–615
    Spahn, F. and Schmidt, J.
  • (2007). A belt of moonlets in Saturn’s A ring. Nature, 449:1019–1021
    Sremčevič, M.; Schmidt, J.; Salo, H.; Seiß, M. ; Spahn, F.; and Albers, N.
  • (2008). The dust halo of Saturn’s largest icy moon, Rhea. Science, 319:1380 – 1384
    Jones, G. H.; Seiß, M.; Spahn, F. et al.
  • (2010). Moonlet induced wakes in planetary rings: Analytical model including eccentric orbits of moon and ring particles. Icarus, 210:298–317
    Seiß, M.; Spahn, F.; and Schmidt, J.
  • (2011). Hydrodynamics of Saturn’s dense rings. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., 4:191–218
    Seiß, M. and Spahn, F.

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