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Algorithms and Concepts for Time-Sensitive Networking (ACTSN)

Subject Area Security and Dependability, Operating-, Communication- and Distributed Systems
Communication Technology and Networks, High-Frequency Technology and Photonic Systems, Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Information Technology
Term since 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 544468983
Ethernet is a widespread communication technology on layer 2. It has been standardized by the IEEE for wired networks. Ethernet is easy to manage but has hardly any support for quality of service. Therefore, the Audio/Video Bridging (AVB) Task Group of the IEEE has extended Ethernet with prioritization and 8 priority queues so that high-priority traffic can be forwarded with less delay than other traffic. Since this is not sufficient for real-time and mission-critical applications, e.g., in factories, vehicles or airplanes, the Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group of the IEEE develops Ethernet even further so that very low transmission delay can be guaranteed. A central innovation in TSN is the Time-Aware Shaper (TAS) which controls periodic transmission opportunities for the 8 priority queues through a Gate Control List (GCL). The TAS helps to transmit frames of high-priority, periodic streams with ultra-low latency through a TSN network. This is achieved by coordinating the periodic transmission instants of all so-called scheduled streams in such a way that frames hardly interfere with each other and by using the TAS to keep egress ports free from other traffic when high-priority frame arrive. This requires the calculation and configuration of a schedule that determines the periodic transmission instants of all scheduled streams and the GCLs of intermediate bridges on their paths. TSN will be used in factory networks. They are hierarchically constructed of modular subsystems and will be operated as a large Ethernet network. Every subsystem builds a self-contained domain with regard to configuration and may use a subset of TSN mechanisms. In future factories, machines will be controlled in real-time by application controllers across multiple TSN domains. Therefore, there is a need for real-time communication across TSN domains. Inter-domain TSN is currently discussed in standardization, but proposals are still missing. TSN is still in its infancy. Only a few devices are available with limited functionality, there is little operation experience, algorithms for the calculation of schedules are insufficient, requirements for schedules are incomplete, and concepts for inter-domain TSN hardly exist. The objectives of this research project are new algorithms and concepts for TSN technology. In work package (WP) 1, a testbed is set up which is used for testing purposes in WPs 2 - 4. WP 2 considers the technical validation of schedules and their protection against misbehaving sources, which leads to new requirements for schedules. In WP 3, algorithms for the calculation of schedules will be developed for different requirements and the performance of algorithms and resulting schedules will be compared and improved. WP 4 develops concepts for inter-domain TSN. WP 5 communicates project results in standardization bodies, in the research community, and in industrial interest groups.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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