Projekt Druckansicht

A comparative study of the discs of young objects: towards an understanding of disc evolution and the first stages of planet formation

Antragstellerin Dr. Gwendolyn Meeus
Fachliche Zuordnung Astrophysik und Astronomie
Förderung Förderung von 2004 bis 2008
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5440801
We propose to study the circumstellar discs of young objects with masses ranging from a few solar masses (the so-called Herbig Ae/Be stars) over solar-mass objects (T Tauri stars) down to the very low-mass brown dwarfs. The objects we consider are mainly between 1 and 10 Myrs old, an age-span which covers the period in which planet formation is expected to take place. The dust grains in these discs are an important tracer of disc evolution at the first stages of planet formation. Therefore, we want to derive their characteristics through IR spectroscopy - with both ground-based telescopes and the Space Observatory Spitzer- and determine the stage of dust and disc evolution by modelling. Also mm data are required, as they reveal disc sizes and masses, as well as spatially resolved observations, which are an important input in detailed radiative models. Our findings concerning the dust and disc properties will be linked with factors that might have an impact on disc evolution, such as stellar parameters (temperature, luminosity and age), and the presence (and distance) of companions. For these purposes, also optical spectroscopy, multi-wavelength photometry and (near-)IR images will be used. The ultimate goal is to create a better understanding of the processes dictating dust and disc evolution - hence the early stages of planet formation - by intercomparing the results of our analysis of a large sample of young objects with different - but well-determined - properties.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen


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