Scientific Network for Collaborative Inquiry Learning
Fachliche Zuordnung
Allgemeines und fachbezogenes Lehren und Lernen
Förderung von 2004 bis 2007
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5440387
Collaborative inquiry is a promising learning method allowing students not only to gain deep understanding of science concepts but also to acquire general learning methods. The proposal is mainly based on two international research programs where developers habe produced integrated learning environments for collaborative inquiry modelling: (a) the U.S.TELS project (with WISE and Pedagogica) and (b) the European CoLab project and its successor ReCOIL with their partners - the IPN included. Scientists from IPN, Berkeley and Concord provide the backbone of this scientific network. They are embedded in a network of other German scientists (e.g. Cool Modes in Duisburg), and international experts (e.g. Viten in Oslo). The different approaches are to be integrated at a conceptual and a technical level. While WISE provides a high structured environment to learners, CoLab and Cool Modes realize rather open learning environments. Research on collaborative learning indicates that no single structure is beneficial to all learners at all times. Therefore, NetCoIL aims at the theoretical conceptualization of high and low structured learning phases as well as investigating periods of individual and collaborative work. These studies will result in design drafts for learning environments an in partial implementation of modules for scientific experiments. Based on these drafts, broader empirical investigations will be designed focusing on how differently structured learning environments affect inquiry processes. A joint research application and several publications are intended.