The aim of the source edition, Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der europäischen Juden durch das nationalsozialistische Deutschland 1933 - 1945 (The Persecution and Murder of the European Jews by Nazi Germany, 1933 - 1945) is to make available to historical scholarship and the interested public a representative, thematically comprehensive and academically sound selection of documents on the history of the Holocaust. The edition comprises a total of approximately 5,000 documents in 16 volumes, structured chronologically and geographically. Nine volumes have already been published. The remaining seven are at an advanced stage of preparation.The selected sources reproduce the perspective of both the perpetrators and those persecuted. They furthermore document the stance of those witnesses to the persecution of the Jews who were not directly involved. All important aspects of the persecution and murder of the Jews - the central decisions and key events, the role of various agencies of persecution and groups of perpetrators - are to be given their place in the document collection. The focal point is on the years of the ,final solution', 1941 to 1945.The compilation of the volumes was considerably more time-consuming than first expected. It furthermore proved to be necessary to significantly increase the scope of the volumes in order to fulfil the requirements of a representative source collection. Finally, the conversion to using an electronic editing system created new challenges and, at least for a short time, a considerably heavier workload. For a while now, the volumes have been produced from this system and all published volumes have been fed into it. The factors cited prevented the edition from being completed in 2016, as intended. In the funding phase applied for here (2017 to 2019), all outstanding volumes are to be published: Vols. 6 and 11 (German Reich), Vol. 10 (Poland: Incorporated Territories), Vols. 13 (South-Eastern Europe: Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia), 14 (Southern and South-Eastern Europe: Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania) and 15 (Hungary), as well as Vol. 16 (Auschwitz and the Death Marches). The series editors, which include the applicants, are responsible for the conception and selection of the documents, whilst experts in the field, who know both the history of the Holocaust in the respective country as well as the archival collections there, assume the research and annotation as volume editors. They must also be capable, however, of integrating events in one country into the overall context.The aim of Part B of the application is the translation of all the documents from their respective individual languages, the rendering of the introductions, footnotes and glossaries in English and their adaptation for an English-language readership, and the publication of all volumes in book form in collaboration with the Yad Vashem research institute in Jerusalem, Israel.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection
Austria, Israel, USA