Ein mehrdimensionales implizites numerisches Verfahren zur Modellierung relativistischer und radiativer MHD Strömungen in der Astrophysik

Applicant Professor Dr. Rolf Rannacher
Subject Area Astrophysics and Astronomy
Term from 2004 to 2006
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5434658

Project Description

The rapid development of observational technology in all spectral bands nowadays requires more than ever sophisticated numerical tools for understanding the available data. Formation and acceleration of jets around young stellar objects, around compact objects and in systems containing black holes such as in micro-quasars, quasars and in GRBs are only a small sub-set of still unsolved problems. Tackling these astrophysical phenomena requires sophisticated and robust solvers that are beyond the reach of the explicit methods usually applied in astrophysical fluid dynamics. Therefore, the primary goal of this project is to develop for the first time an unconditionally stable, multi-dimensional and multi-stage numerical solver capable of providing quasi-stationary solutions to the set of equations corresponding to relativistic, multi-component, and radiative MHD flows. We intend to apply and modify the numerical approach that we have used in designing the algorithm IRMHD+: an available and well tested implicit, radiative and MHD solver, and which relies on the Newtonian formulation of the equations. It includes also several important radiative, magnetic and self-gravity effects, and is capable of reproducing the spectral energy distributions of magnetized flows. In developing the new special relativistic solver, hence the name SIRMHD+, we intend to parallelize the new solver and make it public-available.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Israel
Participating Persons Professor Dr. Max Camenzind; Professor Dr. Tsvi Piran