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Molekulare Charakterisierung des globalen Virulenzregulators sae von Staphylococcus aureus in vitro und in vivo

Subject Area Parasitology and Biology of Tropical Infectious Disease Pathogens
Term from 2004 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5433470
Final Report Year 2010

No abstract available


  • 2005. Molecular basis of florfenicol-induced increase in adherence of Staphylococcus aureus strain Newman. J Antimicrob Chemother 56:315-23
    Blickwede, M., R. Goethe, C. Wolz, P. Valentin-Weigand, and S. Schwarz
  • 2005. Role of Staphylococcus aureus global regulators sae and sigmaB in virulence gene expression during device-related infection. Infect Immun 73:3415-21
    Goerke, C., U. Flückiger, A. Steinhuber, V. Bisanzio, M. Ulrich, M. Bischoff, J. M. Patti, and C. Wolz
  • 2005. sae is essential for expression of the staphylococcal adhesins Eap and Emp. Microbiology 151:1789-800
    Harraghy, N., J. Kormanec, C. Wolz, D. Homerova, C. Goerke, K. Ohlsen, S. Qazi, P. Hill, and M. Herrmann
  • 2006. Influence of the two-component system SaeRS on global gene expression in two different Staphylococcus aureus strains. J Bacteriol 188:7742-58
    Rogasch, K., V. Ruhmling, J. Pane-Farre, D. Hoper, C. Weinberg, S. Fuchs, M. Schmudde, B. M. Broker, C. Wolz, M. Hecker, and S. Engelmann
  • 2006. Staphytococcus aureus CcpA affects virulence determinant production and antibiotic resistance. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 50:1183-94
    Seidl, K., M. Stucki, M. Ruegg, C. Goerke, C. Wolz, L. Harris, B. Berger-Bachi, and M. Bischoff
  • 2007. sigmaB and the sigmaB-dependent arlRS and yabJ-spoVG loci affect capsule formation in Staphylococcus aureus. Infect Immun 75:4562-71
    Meier, S., C. Goerke, C. Wolz, K. Seidl, D. Homerova, B. Schulthess, J. Kormanec, B. Berger-Bachi, and M. Bischoff
  • 2007. The staphylococcal respiratory response regulator SrrAB induces ica gene transcription and polysaccharide intercellular adhesin expression, protecting Staphylococcus aureus from neutrophil killing under anaerobic growth conditions. Mol Microbiol 65:1276-87
    Ulrich, M., M. Bastian, S. E. Cramton, K. Ziegler, A. A. Pragman, A. Bragonzi, G. Memmi, C. Wolz, P. M. Schlievert, A. Cheung, and G. Döring
  • 2008. Bioluminescence imaging to study the promoter activity of hla of Staphylococcus aureus in vitro and in vivo. Int J Med Microbiol 298:599-605
    Steinhuber, A., R. Landmann, C. Goerke, C. Wolz, and U. Flückiger
  • 2008. Staphylococcus aureus CcpA affects biofilm formation. Infect Immun 76:2044-50
    Seidl, K., C. Goerke, C. Wolz, D. Mack, B. Berger-Bachi, and M. Bischoff
  • 2008. The virulence regulator Sae of Staphylococcus aureus: promoter activities and response to phagocytosis-related signals. J Bacteriol 190:3419-28
    Geiger, T., C. Goerke, M. Mainiero, D. Kraus, and C. Wolz
  • 2009. A point mutation in the sensor histidine kinase SaeS of Staphylococcus aureus strain Newman alters the response to biocide exposure. J Bacteriol 191:7306-14
    Schäfer, D., T. T. Lam, T. Geiger, M. Mainiero, S. Engelmann, M. Hussain, A. Bosserhoff, M. Frosch, M. Bischoff, C. Wolz, J. Reidl, and B. Sinha
  • 2009. Differential target gene activation by the Staphylococcus aureus two-component system saeRS. J Bacteriol 192:613-623
    Mainiero, M., C. Goerke, T. Geiger, C. Gonser, S. Herbert, and C. Wolz

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