The concept of the moral filter in situational analysis of criminal action

Applicants Professorin Dr. Stefanie Eifler; Professor Mark Stemmler, Ph.D.
Subject Area Criminology
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 542743908

Project Description

In criminology, the critical examination of action-theoretical approaches has led to an early recognition of the importance of two closely related aspects, namely the analysis of the influences of morality in the context of a situational analysis of criminal behaviour. The current state of research leaves open questions regarding both aspects, which will be addressed in the planned project: With regard to the conceptual specification and operationalisation of morality, it remains unclear what is meant by morality in contrast to norm-commitment and how a theory-based measurement of morality can be carried out. With regard to the two-stage explanation of criminal behaviour, it remains unclear how both stages can be modelled theoretically and empirically and how moral actors can still act criminally. The proposed project builds on previous criminological research, in particular situational action theory, but also the frame selection model, and extends it beyond the points mentioned above. The aim of the project, which integrates sociological and psychological perspectives into an interdisciplinary criminological frame of reference, is to analyse how a moral filter works in the context of explaining different forms of criminal behaviour. To this end, the construct of morality must first be explained and operationalised. This will be done by drawing on moral philosophical discourse, sociological theories of agency, and psychological theories of moral development. Particular attention will be paid to how morality and normative orientations can be distinguished from each other. To achieve this, a factorial survey will be developed and used to assess moral situations. Subsequently, the mode of action of the moral filter will be modelled in a broad version that allows rational considerations and cognitive techniques of justification to be included in the filtering process. This will be done using techniques of neutralization (Sykes & Matza, 1957) and social disengagement (Bandura et al., 1996). By developing a rigorous theoretical and empirical modelling of the moral filter that includes the possibilities of bypassing it and is based on a well-founded conceptual specification of morality, the project can contribute new and significant insights to the explanation of criminal behaviour.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Belgium
Cooperation Partners Dr. Ann De Buck; Professor Dr. Lieven Pauwels