High-temperature universal testing system for materials research in additive manufacturing

Subject Area Materials Science
Term Funded in 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 542644827

Project Description

A high-temperature universal testing system is proposed for materials development in additive manufacturing (AM). This testing device is to be a central element of the reference laboratory for powder bed-based material development. Key characteristics for testing the suitability of new materials are tensile, compressive, flexural strength as well as creep resistance as standard. Accordingly, when developing materials for use in high-temperature environments, testing both at room temperature and up to appropriate service temperatures is essential to make statements about workability, typically at room temperature, and actual load limits. One focus of research at the Chair of Materials for Additive Manufacturing is the development of high-temperature alloys, some of which are difficult to weld, based on intermetallic and Ni-based alloy systems with high proportions of refractory elements. Due to the high cooling rates and associated fine-grainedness in additive manufacturing, materials produced in this way typically exhibit high strengths with reduced ductility. Another focus is on materials development with nanoadditives, which can be used to further increase the strength and, in particular, the creep resistance of the materials. The possibility of testing key properties of materials at BUW, and thus systematically on a large scale, means that comprehensive new scientific knowledge can be gained about microstructure-property correlations; comparability through consistently identical test conditions is also significant, especially against the background of the objective of comparative consideration of the influences of different AM processes and additives. By adding a high-temperature universal testing system, fundamental research and development of new high-temperature materials including fundamental material characterization can be made possible and thus a significant deepening of the understanding of the influences of thermophysical conditions during AM as well as targeted material modifications can be achieved. The device applied for thus occupies a key position for the materials science and manufacturing technology research spectrum of the chair.
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation Universalprüfmaschine für die Materialforschung in der Additiven Fertigung
Instrumentation Group 2900 Statische und quasistatische Prüfmaschinen und -anlagen
Applicant Institution Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Leader Professor Dr. Bilal Gökce