NSF-DFG MISSION: Deciphering the carbon dioxide transport in supported thin polyamine films for carbon capture

Applicant Dr. Martin Tress
Subject Area Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 542213730

Project Description

The overarching goal of the proposed research is to develop a new electrochemical system to enable in-situ monitoring of carbon dioxide (CO2) diffusion in supported thin polyamine films for carbon capture. Mesoporous substrate-supported polyamine systems (MSPAs) composed of polyamine films of thickness ~10 nm are by far one of the most promising systems for CO2 removal from air. However, they suffer from several drawbacks preventing their scale-up and commercialization, including low amine efficiency and slow sorption/desorption kinetics. These drawbacks have often been suspected to originate from CO2-sorption-induced chemical or physical changes in polyamines. However, deficits in the characterization of CO2-sorption-induced changes impose a large obstacle to a clear understanding of CO2 transport and CO2 capture performance of MSPAs. The proposed research aims to develop a new platform to quantify CO2-sorption-induced changes in supported polyamine thin films, with a particular focus on spatial gradients of polyamine dynamics and CO2 diffusivity. The proposed research builds on recent developments of nano-broadband dielectric spectroscopy (nano-BDS) and an emerging theoretical understanding correlating gas transport with segmental dynamics of polymer membranes. Three objectives have been formulated to achieve the overarching goal: 1. Develop a new nano-BDS platform for in-situ monitoring of spatial gradients of polyamine dynamics or CO2 diffusivity in supported thin polyamine films. 2. Quantify the roles of key design parameters on the CO2 capture performance of MSPAs. 3. Test existent models for CO2 transport in polymers (specifically in polyamines) and, if required, refine these or develop new theoretical descriptions. In particular, the interface effect and its coupling with CO2 sorption-induced chemical effects on CO2 transport properties of supported thin polyamine films will be revealed. Further, the roles of key design parameters, such as amine type, amine concentration, film thickness, and polyamine-substrate interactions, will be determined for future optimization of MSPAs. The obtained results will provide direct guidance to generate new protocols or formulate novel designs of next-generation advanced polyamine systems, increasing the efficiency and thus dropping the costs of sorbent-based techniques for CO2 capture from the air. The establishment of the nano-BDS platform will broaden its capability as an analytical tool for precise structure and dynamics quantification. Furthermore, the proposed research will strongly impact many aspects of separation sciences, medication, and sensoring, where penetrant (including drugs) diffusion, separation, and delivery play decisive roles.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection USA
Cooperation Partner Professor Shiwang Cheng, Ph.D.