Project Details
Untersuchung von 2D Kristallen auf gekrümmten Oberflächen
Professor Dr. Andreas Bausch
Subject Area
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
from 2004 to 2008
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5421956
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(2005) Self-assembled Shells Composed of Colloidal Particles: Fabrication and Characterization. Langmuir, 21 (7):2963-70
M.F. Hsu, M.G. Nikolaides, A.D. Dinsmore, A.R. Bausch, V.D. Gordon, X. Chen, J.W. Hutchinson and D.A. Weitz
(2005). Direct visualization of dislocation dynamics in grain boundary scars. Nature Materials, 4: 407-11
P. Lipowsky, M.J. Bowick, J. Meinke, D.R. Nelson and A.R. Bausch
(2005). Grain boundary scars on spherical crystals. Langmuir 21 (26): 12076-79
T. Einert, P. Lipowsky, J. Schilling, M. Bowick and A. R. Bausch
(2006). Rheological characterizafion of hydrogels formed by recombinantly produced spider silk. Applied Physics A, 82 (2): 261-64
S. Rammensee, D. Huemmerich, K.D. Hermanson, T. Scheibel and A.R. Bausch
(2007). Engineered Microcapsules Made of Spider Silk. Advanced Materials, 19, 14, 1810-15
K.D. Hermanson, D. Huemmerich, T. Scheibel and A.R. Bausch
(2007). Permeability of Silk Microcapsules Made from the Interfacial Adsorption of Protein. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 9, 6442-46
K.D. Hermanson, M.B. Harasim, T. Scheibel, A.R. Bausch
(2008) Assembly mechanism of recombinant spider silk proteins. PNAS, 105, 18, 6590-95
S. Rammensee, U. Slotta, T. Scheibel, A. R. Bausch