Project Details
Theory and numerics of non-classical thermoelasticity
Professor Dr.-Ing. Paul Steinmann
Subject Area
from 2003 to 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5420845
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Zu Aspekten der Theorie und Numerik nicht-klassischer Wärmeleitung nach Green & Naghdi. Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum (DLR), Lampoldshausen, Germany, 05.08.2004
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
Computational modeling of thermal waves. GACM 2005, Bochum, Germany, 05.-07.10.05
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
Finite element approaches to non-classical heat conduction in solids. Comp. Model. Eng. Sci. 9(2), 133–150, 2005
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
On the theory and numerics of non-classical heat conduction. GAMM 2005, Luxemburg, Luxemburg, 28.03. - 01.04.05
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
On the theory and numerics of non-classical heat conduction. Seminar talk. University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 15.03.05
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
A continuous Galerkin ?nite element method for thermoelasticity without energy dissipation. ECCM 06, Lissabon, Portugal, 05. - 08.06.06
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
Galerkin Finite Element Methoden für nicht-klassische Theramoelastizität. Seminar talk. University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 04.07.06
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
Modeling of non-classical thermoelasticity. GAMM 2006, Berlin, Germany, 27. - 31.03.06 PAMM 2006, Volume 6, Issue 1, 425 - 426
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
Simulation of cryovolcanism on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. University of Tokyo, Japan, 7.12.2006
S. Bargmann; R. Greve; P. Steinmann
Theoretical and computational aspects of non-classical thermoelasticity. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 196, 516–527, 2006
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
Theoretical and computational studies in non-classical thermoelasticity based on the Green-Naghdi approach. ESMC 2006, Budapest, Hungary, 28.08. - 01.09.06
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
Classical results for a non-classical theory: remarks on thermodynamic relations in Green-Naghdi thermo-hyperelasticity. Cont. Mech. Thermodyn. 19(1–2), 59–66, 2007
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
Configurational Forces in Thermal Wave Propagation. 6th German-Greek-Polish Symposium Recent Advances in Mechanics, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 17.-21.9.2007
R. Denzer, S. Bargmann, P. Steinmann
Green–Naghdi thermoelasticity: thermal and mechanical waves without energy dissipation. The 5th IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, USA, 16.-19.4.2007
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
Material forces and non-classical thermo-hyperelasticity. Universit degli Studi di Trento, Trento, Italy, 10.09.2007
R. Denzer; S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
On finite element methods for low temperature thermomechanical problems. ECCOMAS Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering 2007, Santa Eulalia, Spain, 21.-23.5.2007
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
Thermoelastic effects in the icy shell during cryovolcanic eruptions on Enceladus. IUGG XXIV 2007, Perugia, Italy, 2.-13.7.2007
S. Bargmann, R. Greve, P. Steinmann
On computational aspects of non-classical Green–Naghdi thermoelasticity. Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, 04.03.2008
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
On computational modeling with Green-Naghdi thermohyperelasticity. University of Dortmund, Germany, 12.02.2008
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann
On configurational forces within Green–Naghdi thermo-hyperelasticity. IUTAM Symposium on Con?gurational Forces, Erlangen, Germany, 20.-24.10.2008
S. Bargmann, R. Denzer, P. Steinmann
On the propagation of second-sound in linear and nonlinear media: Results from Green–Naghdi theory. Phys. Lett. A, 372, 4418-4424, 2008
S. Bargmann; P. Steinmann; P. Jordan
Theory and numerics of non-classical thermo-hyperelasticity. Ph.D. thesis, University of Kaiserslautern, May 2008
S. Bargmann
Material forces in non-classical thermo-hyperelasticity
S. Bargmann; R. Denzer; P. Steinmann