Investigation of ammonium polyphosphate metal oxide composite ceramics as electrolytes for fuel cells operating in the intermediate temperature regime

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Ulrich Stimming
Fachliche Zuordnung Physikalische Chemie von Festkörpern und Oberflächen, Materialcharakterisierung
Förderung Förderung von 2004 bis 2007
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5418542


Fuel cells are effective alternatives to combustion engines for electrical power generation because of their very high efficiencies and low pollution levels. The intermediate temperature fuel cells (200-500°C) are very attractive since they combine the advantages of PEMFCs and SOFCs. It would be desirable to develop such kinds of fuel cells. For this purpose, developing new electrolytes based on solid-state proton conducting materials is a promising approach. Primary studies at TUM have found that Ammonium polyphosphate (APP) composites combine the high protonic conductivity and mechanical stability and exhibit interesting properties as an electrolyte in the intermediate temperature fuel cells. The Chinese team USTC and the German team TUM propose a joint Sino-German project with the objective of the development of ceramic fuel cells based on APP composite electrolyte operating in the intermediate temperature range (200-500°C). The research efforts are concentrated on solving key problems in the development of the intermediate temperature ceramic fuel cells. The Chinese team USTC will contribute to development of non-platinum composite electrodes, fabrication of APP composite based membranes and single cells and characterization of single cells using hydrogen, methanol, or/and higher alcohols as fuels. The German team TUM will contribute by investigating the thermochemical stability and conductivity of APP composites, preparation and electrocatalytic studies of cermet electrodes based on APP composites and Pt, and characterisation of single cells using hydrogen, methanol, or/and higher alcohols as fuels. The Chinese team USTC has extensive experiences on membrane and thin film fabrication and corresponding equipment. The German team TUM specializes in development of APP composite as an electrolyte and electrocatalytic studies of electrodes, and has excellent equipment for electrochemical tests. The expertises of both teams complement each other very well. This collaboration can therefore contribute to the important advancement in the development of intermediate temperature fuel cells.
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