Vertical susceptibility profiles: its use in magnetic pollution screening
Professor Dr. Erwin Appel
Fachliche Zuordnung
Physik des Erdkörpers
Förderung von 2004 bis 2007
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5416392
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
2005: Shallow Vertical Sections - Magnetic Proxies and Heavy Metals. Sino-German Pollution Workshop, Nanjing, China
W. Rösler & U. Blaha
2005: Small Scale Magnetic Study and Heavy Metal Analysis of industrially polluted Soil in the Vicinity of the Donawitz Steel Mill / Leoben, Austria. IAGA 2005, Toulouse, France
U. Blaha, E. Appel, H. Stanjek, M. L. Rijal
2006: A magnetic study of a polluted soil profile at the Shijingshan industrial area, western Beijing, China. Chinese Journal of Geophysics 49, (6), 1524-1532
Shen M., Hu S., Blaha U., Van. H., Rösler W., Hoffmann V.
2006: Characterizing Heavy Metal Pollution of Different Soil Profiles in Beijing (China) using Magnetic Parameters. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
M. J. Shen, S.Y. Hu, U. Blaha, W. Rösler, E. Appel, V. Hoffmann
2006: High resolution 3D studies of magnetic properties in polluted soils: On the way to quantitative magnetic susceptibility pollution screening. 10th Castle Meeting, Valtice, Czech Republic
U. Blaha, M. Rijal, E. Appel, H. Stanjek
2006: Magnetic Responses to Heavy Metal Pollution and its Statistical Significance for Site 722 - Vertical Soil Profile in Eastern Beijing. Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciences 31(3), 399-404
Shen M., Hu S., Blaha U., Yan. H., Rösler W., Appel, E., Hoffmann V.
2006: Three-dimensional Magnetic Susceptibility Distribution in Different Industrially Polluted Soils: Comparison of Sites from Austria, China and Germany. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
U. Blaha, M. Rijal, M. Hoppe, M. J. Shen, S. Y. Hu, W. Rösler, E. Appel, and H. Stanjek
2008: Determination of anthropogenic boundary depth in soil profiles and semi-quantification of heavy metal loads using magnetic susceptibility. Environmental Pollution
Blaha U., Appel, E., Stanjek, H.
Vertical Susceptibility Profiles: its Use in Magnetic Pollution Screening
U. Blaha