Coupling of electrochemical noise diagnostic – acoustic emission – and optical in situ surface analysis for non-destructive evaluation of the intergranular corrosion sensitivity of high-alloyed steel AISI 304

Applicant Dr. Marcel Mandel
Subject Area Coating and Surface Technology
Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials and their Microstructural Origins
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 541564895

Project Description

In the proposal a new corrosion test technique consisting of coupled electrochemical noise (EN), acoustic emission (AE) and optical in situ surface monitoring shall be explored developed and established for evaluation of the intergranular corrosion (IC) behaviour of the high alloy steel AISI 304. With this technique a non-destructive and in situ determination of the level of sensitization and degradation can be determined without applying an external thermal or electric stimulation. Based on this concept, for industrial applications a technique for online monitoring of IC susceptible device surfaces can be deduced. Furthermore, essential information about the EN and AE behaviour during IC of the steel are expected, which are up to date insufficiently investigated or unknown. The focus of the proposal is set on the non-destructive evaluation, explanation of mechanisms and detection of IC on the AISI 304 and will serve as reference for characterisation of the IC susceptibility of further materials. The aim of the proposal is the establishment of a non-destructive, highly sensitive and selective corrosion test technique for evaluation of the intergranular corrosion susceptibility of the high alloy steel AISI 304, which will allow a differentiate damage initiation and damage evolution analysis in comparison to conventionally used techniques.
DFG Programme Research Grants