Entwicklung einer mobilen Plattform mit Scanner zur Bestimmung von Profilen der absoluten Feuchte in der Atmosphäre

Antragsteller Dr. Dietrich Althausen
Fachliche Zuordnung Atmosphären-, Meeres- und Klimaforschung
Förderung Förderung von 2004 bis 2011
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5414866


Within this project the first platform (trailer) for a scanning water-vapor differential-absorption lidar (DIAL) based on a high-power laser will be developed. The lidar is planned to be put, for the first time in Germany, in a deployment pool at disposal of the international atmospheric research community. Not withstanding the biggest telescope (80 cm) and scanning mirror ever applied on a mobile platform, the system will feature minimum transportation and handling effort granting operational performance in field campaigns within one day after transport. Among the sophisticated components to be implemented in the platform are a fast scanning unit, the detector assembly, controlling and automation tools as well as the data acquisition system. Innovative software for the routine determination of water-vapor concentration and measurement errors will be developed. The transmitter with the high-power laser and the frequency-conversion unit, both developed within parallel projects of the package proposal, will be integrated in the trailer. Supported by a close co-operation between the groups during planning and realization of the system, this project is in charge of taking the crucial step from high-power laser transmitter to high-performance lidar reference system.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Großgeräte mobiles Lidar-Scan-Teleskop und Spezialanhänger als mobile Plattform für DIAL
Gerätegruppe 6620 Funkanlagen (außer Konferenz- und Saal-Sprechanlagen)