Genetische Struktur benthischer Invertebraten innerhalb und außerhalb der Hochantarktis
Christoph Held, Ph.D.
Fachliche Zuordnung
Physik, Chemie und Biologie des Meeres
Förderung von 2003 bis 2008
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5409261
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2005) Inferring the population history of Antarctic serolid isopods using molecular markers. First international ICEFISH symposium, Maine
Leese, F. & C. Held
(2006) Fast and efficient isolation of microsatellites from anonymous genomes - a case study from the Antarctic benthos. DZG-Graduierten-Treffen Evolutionsbiologie 2006, Potsdam
Leese, F. & C. Held
(2007) Speciation on the High Antarctic shelf - population genetic implications from the giant isopod Ceratoserolis trilobitoides (Eights, 1833). 100. DZG Jahrestagung 2007, 21.-24. September 2007, Köln
Leese, F., J.-W. Wägele & C. Held
(2007): „Speciation on the High Antarctic Shelf: Population genetic implications from the giant isopod Ceratoserolis trilobitoides“
Leese, F. & C. Held
The utility of fast evolving molecular markers for studying speciation in the Antarctic benthos. Polar Biology (2007) vol. 30 (4) pp. 513-521
C. Held und F. Leese
(2008) The imprint of Pleistocene glaciations of the Antarctic shelf on the genomes of the survivors (Crustacea: Serolidae). 101. DZG Jahrestagung 2008, 19.-22. September, Jena
Leese, F. & C. Held
(2008): „Speciation in a homogenous environment: Isolation in Antarctic benthic crustaceans across temporal and spatial scales“. 54th congress of the Brazilian Genetics Society SBG in Salvador de Bahia, Brasil
Held, C. & F. Leese
Cryptic speciation in a benthic isopod from Patagonian and Falkland Island waters and the impact of glaciations on its population structure. Frontiers in Zoology (2008) vol. 5 (1) pp. 19
F. Leese et al.
Identification and characterization of microsatellites from the Antarctic isopod Ceratoserolis trilobitoides: Nuclear evidence for cryptic species. Conservation Genetics (2008) vol. 9 (5) pp. 1369-1372
F. Leese und C. Held
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers from the marine isopods Serolis paradoxa and Septemserolis septemcarinata (Crustacea : Peracarida). Molecular Ecology Resources (2008) vol. 8 (4) pp. 818-821
F. Leese et al.
Isolation of microsatellites from unknown genomes using known genomes as enrichment templates. Limnology And Oceanography-Methods (2008) vol. 6 pp. 412-426
F. Leese et al.
STAMP: Extensions to the STADEN sequence analysis package for high throughput interactive microsatellite marker design. BMC Bioinformatics (2009) vol. 10 pp. 41
Kraemer et al.