Project Details
Cultural changes in the first millennia BC and AD in Central and Northeast Nigeria
Professor Dr. Peter Breunig
Subject Area
Prehistory and World Archaeology
from 2003 to 2012
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5470296
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
2004. A look into the earth: evaluating the use of magnetic survey in African archaeology. Journal of African Archaeology 2 (1), 49-63
Magnavita, C. & N. Schleifer
2005. Groundwork of human occupation in the Chad Basin, Northeast Nigeria, 2000 B. C. - 1000 A. D. In: A. Ogundiran (ed.), Precolonial Nigeria. Essays in honor of Toyin Falola, 105-131. Trenton: Africa World Press
Breunig, P.
2006. Ancient humped cattle in Africa: a view from the Chad Basin. African Archaeological Review 23 (3/4), 55-84
Magnavita, C.
2006. G(l)anz ohne Eisen: große Siedlungen aus der Mitte des 1. Jahrtausends BC im Tschadbecken von Nordost-Nigeria. In: H. P. Wotzka (Hrsg.), Grundlegungen. Beiträge zur europäischen und afrikanischen Archäologie für Manfred K. H. Eggert, 255-270. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag
Breunig, P., B. Eichhorn, S. Kahlheber, V. Linseele, C. Magnavita, M. Posselt, K. Neumann & N. Rupp
2006. Phytoliths in a silo: micro-botanical evidence from Zilum (Lake Chad Basin), NE Nigeria (c. 500 BC). Journal of Biological Sciences 6 (5), 824-832
Fahmy, A.G. & C. Magnavita
2006. The making of "Nok terracotta". Afrique: Archéologie & Arts 4, 91-102
Breunig, P. & J. Ameje
2006. Zilum: a mid-first millennium BC fortified settlement near Lake Chad. Journal of African Archaeology 4 (1), 153-169
Magnavita, C., P. Breunig, J. Ameje & M. Posselt
2007. El origen de las sociedades complejas en el África subsahariana. In: P. Kaulicke & D. Dillehay (eds.), Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, No. 11. Procesos y expresiones de poder, identidad y orden tempranos en Sudamérica, Segunda parte, 353-377
Breunig, P.
2008. Early sculptural traditions in West Africa: new evidence from the Chad Basin of north-eastern Nigeria. Antiquity 82, Nr. 316, 423-437
Breunig, P., G. Franke & M. Nüsse
2009. Archaeobotanical Studies at Nok sites: an Interim Report. Nyame Akuma 71, 2-17
Kahlheber, S., A. Höhn & N. Rupp
2009. Cultural Change in the First Millennium BC - Evidence from Nigeria, West Africa.In: S. Magnavita, L. Koté, P. Breunig & O. A. Idé (eds.), Crossroads / Carrefour Sahel. Cultural and technological developments in first millenium BC / AD West Africa. Journal of African Archaeology Monograph Series, Vol. 2, 15-26
Breunig, P.
2009. Die früheisenzeitliche Nok-Kultur in Zentral-Nigeria, Westafrika. Neues archäologisches Langfristprojekt der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Archäologisches Nachrichtenblatt 14 (4), 341-360
Breunig, P.