The role of parenting styles during infancy and narrating styles with three years old children for the development of children`s autobiographical memory in India and Germany

Applicant Professorin Dr. Heidi Keller
Subject Area Developmental and Educational Psychology
Term from 2003 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5406034

Project Description

This proposal deals with the role of culture for children´s early development. Divergent social orientations have been described for different cultures: independence with an emphasis on a unique, self contained, autonomous and separated self and interdependence with a bounded, interconnected and harmonious self. Different parenting styles during infancy have been described as informed by these social orientations. Also divergent narrating styles have been identified across cultures. Relations between maternal narrating styles and children´s autobiographical memory have also been reported. This study links for the first time maternal parenting styles with three months old infants and maternal narrating styles with three-year-old children to children´s autobiographical memory in a longitudinal design.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection India
Participating Person Dr. Nandita Chaudhary