Chromospheric and coronal heating mechanisms with emphasis on microflare heating
Fachliche Zuordnung
Astrophysik und Astronomie
Förderung von 2003 bis 2004
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5405479
After reviewing some time ago the important heating mechanisms of chromospheric and coronal heating a new summary of recent developments is urgently needed. Since acoustic and magnetohydrodynamic wave heating are now much better understood it is particularly important to place an emphasis on non-wave heating mechanisms. Recent theoretical research as well as observations of coronal heating suggests that microflares are such a mechanism which operates in the chromosphere-corona transition layer at the base of the corona. It is generated by small scale reconnection events brought about by the foot point motions of coronal magnetic flux tubes in a crowded tube forest-like situation. This mechanism most likely is a candidate fot the next most important heating mechanism after wave heating. With a thorough search of the literature we want to review the whole spectrum of heating mechanisms. We also want to generate a phenomenological model fot the microflare event which can be taken as basis for an intended time-dependent multidimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation. For this collaboration the Indian National Academy has already awarded some support.