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Mapping of QTL for Heterosis and identification of the responsible gene-loci in Arabidopsis

Applicant Dr. Heiko Vogel
Subject Area Plant Breeding and Plant Pathology
Term from 2003 to 2006
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5403759
In a population generated from a cross between the ecotypes Columbia-O and Landsberg erecta we could identify five different heterotic QTLs for growth rate in Arabidopsis thaliana. Growth rate of heterozygote exceeded both homozygotes statistically significant. The three heterotic QTLs exhibiting the strongest growth effects will be fine-mapped and analyzed in detail with crosses between available recombinant inbred lines and Landsberg erecta. Analyses will include sequencing of the corresponding Landsberg erecta BACs, allowing a comparison to the known genome sequence of Columbia-O and, thus, the identification of candidate genes. Furthermore, extensive gene expression studies with the Arabidopsis complete genome chip (Affymetrix) and metabolite profiling of the respective lines will be performed. Finally, the effects of various stress conditions on heterosis will be analyzed with the near isogenic lines generated in the proposed project. These lines will be made available to other groups in the SPP for further physiological and molecular characterization.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
Participating Person Dr. Jürgen Kroymann

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