Project Details
Active intraplate deformation in central Europe: paleoseismology of the Lower Rhine Embayment
Professorin Anke Friedrich, Ph.D.
Subject Area
from 2003 to 2013
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5403579
We propose a multidisciplinary study to determine the age of the most recent ground-breaking earthquake events on active faults in the southern sector of the Lower Rhine Embayment. The main goals of this project are to test the hypothesis that a 0.5m high scarp at Untermaubach, south of Düren, is related to the 1755/56 Düren earthquake series, to discover older events along the same scarp, and to determine how many events were responsible for young scarps in Late Pleistocene deposits of the Erft fault system along the eastern margin of Lower Rhine Embayment. The results of this study will shed light on the recent earthquake history and recurrence intervals of these slowly deforming faults, and lead to a new fault slip-rate data base which will be used to reevaluate seismic hazards in this region. Furthermore, we will compare the geophysical data across alll scarps with the geologic data obtained from the trenches to further calibrate the applicability of GPR, seismic, electromagnetic, and other geophysical methods as important tools, to locate and charactrize slow-moving active faults in humid climatic regions. We already have completed all important preliminary steps, including topographic surveying, drill core sampling, and geophysical exploration, and have been able to select suitables trenching sites.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
Participating Persons
Professor Dr. Frank Scherbaum; Professor Manfred Strecker, Ph.D.