Project Details
Molekulare Bildgebung hypoxischer Tumore mit [18F]FAZA (Fluorazomyzin-Arabinosid)
Professor Dr. Hans-Jürgen Machulla
Subject Area
Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy, Radiobiology
from 2003 to 2006
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5401825
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
Effects of Acute Oxygenation on [18F]FAZA and [125I]Gluco-RDG Uptake in Hypoxic Tumor Modells. Abstract Molecular Imaging
Piert M., Picchio M., Haubner R., Ziegler S., Machulla H.-J., Kumar P., Wiebe L.I., Schwaiger M.
Assessment of porcine bone metabolism by F18-fluoride ion PET: Correlation between compartment modeling, Patlak plot and SUV analysis with bone histomorphometry in normal and highturnover bone. J. Nucl. Med. 44(5) (2003) 97P
Piert M., Machulla H.-J., Reischl G., Stahlschmidt A., Jahn M., Zittel T.T.
Evaluation of the in-vivo Detection of Tissue Hypoxia using PET-Tracer. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Würzburg, 2003, Abstractband, 42
Reischl G., Piert M., Ziegler S., Wiebe L.I., Machulla H.-J.
Increased Sensitivity in the Detection of a Porcine High-turnover Osteopenia After Total Gastrectomy by Dynamic [18F]Fluoride Ion PET and Quantitative CT. J. Nucl. Med. 44(1) (2003) 117-124
Piert M., Zittel T.T., Jahn M., Stahlschmidt A., Becker G.A., Machulla H.-J.
Oxygenierungsabhängiger Uptake von Fluor-18 markiertem Fluorazomycin-Arabinosid (FAZA) im Tiermodell gemessen mittels Kleintier-PET. Nuklearmedizin 42 (2003) A114
Piert M., Machulla H.-J., Ziegler S., Huber R., Kumar P., Wiebe L. I., Schwaiger M.
A Priori Identifiability of a One-Compartment Model with Two Input-Functions for Liver Blood Flow Measurements. Phys. Med. Biol. 50(7) (2005) 1393-1404
Becker G.A., Müller-Schauenburg W., Spilker M.E., Machulla H.-J., Piert M.
Hypoxia-specific Tumor Imaging with Fluorine-18 Labeled Fluoroazomycin Arabinoside. J. Nucl. Med. 46(1) (2005) 106-113
Piert M., Machulla H.-J., Picchio M., Reischl G., Ziegler S., Kumar P., Wester H.-J., Beck R., McEwan A.J.B., Wiebe L.I., Schwaiger M.
Specificity of [18F]FAZA Uptake for Imaging of Tissue Hypoxia. Abstract. AGRR Tagung 2006, Marburg
Molls R.R., Carlsen J., Machulla H.-J., Wester H.-J.
Hypoxia imaging with FAZA-PET and theoretical considerations with regard to dose painting for individualization of radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 69(2) (2007) 541-551
Grosu A.L., Souvatzoglou M., Röper B., Dobritz M., Wiedenmann N., Jacob V., Wester H.J., Reischl G., Machulla H.-J., Schwaiger M., Molls M., Piert M.
Pretreatment 18F-FAZA PET predicts success of hypoxia-directed radiochemotherapy using tirapazamine. J Nucl Med. 48(6) (2007) 973-80
Beck R., Röper B., Carlsen J.M., Huisman M.C., Lebschi J.A., Andratschke N., Picchio M., Souvatzoglou M., Machulla H.-J., Piert M.
Tumour hypoxia imaging with [18F]FAZA PET in head and neck cancer patients: a pilot study. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2007 Oct;34(10):1566-75
Souvatzoglou M., Grosu A.L., Röper B., Krause B.J., Beck R., Reischl G., Picchio M., Machulla H.-J., Wester H.J., Piert M.
Intratumoral spatial distribution of hypoxia and angiogenesis assessed by 18F-FAZA and 125I-Gluco-RGD autoradiography. J. Nucl. Med. 49(4) (2008) 597-605
Picchio M., Beck R., Haubner R., Seidl S., Machulla H.-J., Johnson T.D., Wester H.-J. Reischl G., Schwaiger M., Piert M.