Project Details
Setup and permanent operation of a dual station Doppler radar observation system for exploration and online classification of different types of dome collapse events at the Merapi Volcano, Indonesia.
Professor Dr. Matthias Hort
Subject Area
from 2003 to 2007
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5400123
Final Report Year
No abstract available
2005. Continuous Doppler Radar Monitoring of Dome Activity: a New Tool for Volcanologic Hazard Mitigation. The Soufriere Hills Volcano - Ten Years On (2005): Montserrat
Voege, M., Hort, M.
2005. Identifikation dynamischer Prozesse am aktiven Lava-Dom des Vulkan Merapi (Indonesien) mit Hilfe von Dopplerradar-Messungen. DGG Tagung
Vöge, M., M. Hort, A. Ratdomopurbo
2005. Monitoring volcano eruptions and lava domes with Doppler radar Eos. Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol.86, no.51, pp.537, 541
Voege, M., Hort, M.
2005. Monitoring Volcano Eruptions and Lava Domes with Doppler Radar. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, EOS 86, 537, 541
Voege, M., M. Hort, and R. Seyfried
2006. Der Aktivitätszustand von Vulkanen - was leisten Dopplerradarmessungen. DGG Tagung
Hort, M., M. Vöge, A. Gerst, R. Seyfried
2006. Die Dynamik des Domes des Vulkans Merapi (Indonesien). Geokolloquium Uni Bonn
Hort, M.
2007. Doppler Radar observations of the dome of Merapi volcano. BPPTK, Yogyakarta
Hort, M.