The aim of the Clinical Research Unit for gastrointestinal cancer at the medical centre of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich is to identify and characterise central mechanisms in the genesis of colorectal, hepatocellular and pancreatic cancer. For this purpose scientifically engaged physicians as well as basic scientists have formed this interdisciplinary Clinical Research Unit.Critical characteristics of cancer cells are being investigated using modern methods of genome and proteome research. The goal is to identify possible targets for innovative diagnostic and therapeutical means. Special attention is being paid to changes in intracellular signal transduction pathways that regulate tumour growth, cell death (apoptosis) and vascular growth in tumour tissue (neoangiogenesis) as well as the formation of metastases. By use of microarrays, differential cDNA libraries and new methods for analysing changes in protein expression, these molecular mechanisms are to be further examined and better understood. Newly identified genes and proteins are further analysed regarding their functional relevance. For this, experiments in tissue culture and embedded tumour tissue as well as different animal models are being employed.The intensive cooperation and close association of the different specialised research groups allows the work on complex theories, that none of the groups alone would have managed conclusively. The groups complement one another in ideal way and can aim for common goals that could be achieved in no other manner. Such an interdisciplinary research on different aspects of the genesis and spread of malignant tumours of the gastrointestinal tract will not only render possible the investigation of complex connections. Due to the close collaboration of physicians and basic scientists in the Clinical Research Unit, the newly gained results can be promptly applied in clinical research projects and clinical studies.
DFG Programme
Clinical Research Units