Undercooling and solidification of metallic-like liquid silicon
Fachliche Zuordnung
Glas und Keramik und darauf basierende Verbundwerkstoffe
Förderung von 2002 bis 2006
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5397256
Electromagnetic and electrostatic levitation technique is applied to undercool liquid Si and Si-Sn drops in diameter up to 10 mm. The crystal growth velocity is measured as a function of undercooling. The microstructures of the as-solidified samples are analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Diffraction. In this project the change of the growth kinetics and its influence on the morphology of the solidified microstructure will be investigated in pure Si and Si-Sn alloys as well. Special attention will be placed to the transition of faceted to non-faceted growth. The results will be discussed within modern theory of free dendritic growth of solid phase in undercooled melt.
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