All decisions in hydrocarbon exploration and production are underpinned by subsurface models, which are obtained from structural interpretation of seismic images. Since drilling wells is very costly, as much information as possible should be derived from the seisnüc data to form an opinion about the probability of encountering petroleum in the structures. Interpreting seismic data is a time-consunüng task, which is only partially supported by computer methods. Our project is aimed at developing a order toThe project is aimed at the automatic correspondence analysis of horizon segments at fault patches from seisnüc data. Horizons are visible boundaries between certain sediment layers in seismic data. The advantages of a computer-assisted solution are threefold:o The detern-ünistic model on the mapping of sediment layer structure into seisrrüc data results in robust data analysis.o Model hypotheses can be tested in a controlled fashion enabling continuous model improvement.o Three-dimensional spatial relationships in the data are exploited directly, whereas humans are only able to evaluate them from 2-d projections or 2-d slices.We will investigate solutions, which make full use of the three-dimensional spatial relationship between neighbouring data points. Furthermore, the analysis will be a multi-resolution approach in order to take into account that sediment layers exist at different levels of resolution.
DFG Programme
Research Grants