In contrast to animals, plants contain a MYB protein subfamily which is characterised by the R2R3-type MYB DNA-binding domain. The 126 R2R3-MYB factors of A. thaliana contain a clearly defined MYB domain with a high level of conservation. Members of this gene family control several plant-specific processes including the accumulation of phenlypropanoids in response to stress. However, for about 80 % of the R2R3-type MYB factors functional information is missing. The proposed project aims at defining cooperative interactions of a subset of the R2R3-MYB transcription factors in controlling phenylpropanoid accumulation. We will determine accumulation and localisation patterns for members of the R2R3-type MYB factor family. Cooperative interactions will be functionally investigated by systematic co-transfection assays in plant protoplasts. In addition, in planta interactions will by studied by using epitope-tagged MYB factor variants. The tagged MYB proteins will, when they have been shown to complement the respective knock-out phenotype, be used to identify expected and potentially new interacting proteins.
DFG Programme
Research Grants