Many aldehydes are toxic for organisms at low concentrations. It is therefore important that metabolic aldehyde levels are strictly controlled. Aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) form a large protein family and catalyze the irreversible oxidation of a wide range of aldehyde substrates. Plants possess a variety of distinct ALDHs, but information on their biological role is limited. The aim of the proposed research project is to determine the biological function of the ALDH gene family from A. thaliana focusing on members of the class-3 ALDH, BADH and turgor-responsive ALDH genes, because of their potential role in osmotic stress adaptation. The following experimental approaches will be pursued: Knock-Out mutations for the identified ALDH genes will be isolated to study their effects on physiological and morphological characteristics. In addition, transgenic plants with a modified ALDH gene expression will be constructed. ALDH expression will be analyzed in wild-type, mutant and transgenic plants under defined physiological conditions. Recombinant proteins will be used to determine enzymatic properties of the ALDHs. To identify putative in vivo substrates, metabolite profiling of wild-type, mutant and transgenic plants and a substrate trapping strategy will be used in future approaches.
DFG Programme
Research Grants