Inversion von Momententensoren in anisotropen Medien mit Anwendung auf Schwarmereignisse in der Vogtland Region

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Frank Krüger
Fachliche Zuordnung Physik des Erdkörpers
Förderung Förderung von 2002 bis 2007
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5377111


Current moment-tensor inversion schemes are based on the assumption that the medium within which the source is located is isotropic. However, loval phases recorded from earthquakes in the Vogtland region show significant shear-wave-splitting, thus clearly indicating anisotropy in the source region. Using results of full-wave forward modeling for anisotropic media, we will investigate effects of anisotropy for the determination of kinematic and dynamic source parameters (such as fracture surface and stress drop). We will further implement an anisotropic moment-tensor inversion scheme using full-wave anisotropic Green's functions and/or a high-frequency approximation. The inversion scheme will be applied to the data from the earthquake swarm of the year 2000 in the Vogtland region. The results will put constraints on the possible role of fluids in the occurence of the observed earthquake swarm.
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