Project Details
Follow the CO2 (ICDP Eifel): Pre-site survey by large-N passive seismology (Survive)
Professor Dr. Torsten Dahm; Dr. Christian Haberland
Subject Area
since 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 537649173
The volcanoes of the Eifel represent a world-class example of distributed volcanism in Central Europe. Outstanding in global comparison are not only the size of its two Quaternary subfields and number of volcanoes, but also the rate of eruptions with more than 350 eruptions within ca. 700 ka. All known eruptions in the Eifel occurred at prehistoric times in a now highly urbanized region. The main objective of this proposal is to resolve and characterize small scale P- and S-wave velocity anomalies in the upper crust beneath the phonolitic centres of the East Eifel Volcanic Field (EEVF), where the ICDP-EIFEL drilling phase 1 and 2 is planned. The combination of velocity anomalies pose important constraints to understand and interpret the remnant magma reservoirs, and to resolve volumes that have enhanced temperatures. Additionally, a model for the shallow hydrothermal system can be supported, if combined with measurements for CO2 degassing, deformation and seismicity. This objective shall be approached by local earthquake tomography and ambient seismic noise tomography in combination with waveform and seismicity analysis. For the analysis, data of a temporary Large-N seismological experiment with more than 494 seismic stations, which was operational between September 2022 and August 2023, complemented by data of the permanent seismic network and fibre optics (distributed acoustic sensing), will be used.
DFG Programme
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
International Connection
France, Luxembourg
Cooperation Partners
Dr. Julien Barrière; Professor Dr. Aurélien Mordret