Die Funktion des Dynamin II am trans-Golgi-Netzwerk, die Bedeutung der Prolin-reichen Domäne und die Charakterisierung der mit ihr interagierenden Proteinkomplexe

Antragsteller Dr. Peter Westermann
Fachliche Zuordnung Biochemie
Förderung Förderung von 1997 bis 2001
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5370288


Transport of proteins and lipids between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and plasma membrane domains or endosomes is mediated by vesikular carriers. Formation of transport vesicles is promoted by dynamins of which dynamin II is ubiquitously expressed. The function of dynamin II may depend on protein-protein- interactions mediated by its proline-rich domain (PRD) which differs considerably from that of dynamin I. As a first step towards an understanding of dynamin II function(s) by studying protein-protein interactions, we are identifying proteins and protein complexes, that bind specifically to the PRD of dynamin II (compare the progress report of We 1482/5-1). In order to further elucidate composition and function of protein complexes will be identified; second, ther protein complexes have to be isolated to determine their composition; and third, a cell-free system to measure vesicle formation at the TGN will be adapted to characterize the impact of the identified proteins and protein complexes on individual steps of vesicle coat formation and vesicle scission. The final aim of the study consists in structural and funktional characterization of those protein complexes of dynamin II that localize to the Golgi and have an impact on the formation of constitutive transport vesicles at the TGN.
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