First, and to a large extent for the first time, the subproject examines the intermedial and interdiscursive interweaving of the origins, the changes in meaning, and the aesthetic and political functions of Gypsy characters in feature films between 1895 and 1950. Secondly, it brings together analyses of stereotype and empathy, fiction and artifact effects, visuality and narrativity, which have so far only been carried out separately in film studies, using the heuristic concept of scenography. Thirdly, it distinguishes specific interfaces to other subprojects, which can be linked to their consolidation within the framework of overarching cross-sectional perspectives and syntheses. These interfaces concern, among other things the connection between image narration and stereotype or iconography and scenography (SP 3 and SP 1), interactions between the spectacle and the cinema of attraction as well as film and opera (SP 3 and SP 2), relations between cinematic and scholarly descriptions of Gypsies by others (SP 3 and SP 4) or relations between cinematic descriptions of others and journalistic self-descriptions of Rom*nja (SP 3 and SP 5) as well as the semantics of exclusion and elimination in feature films and in real politics (SP 3 and SP 6). With a view to the synthesis of the projects, especially with a view to the two anthologies Ambivalenz europäischer Verflechtungsgeschichten and Triangulation: Antiziganismus, Antisemitismus und Kolonialismus, the subproject contributes both to the deconstruction of antiziganist stereotypes in art, state and science and to the reconstruction of the agency of Sinti*zze and Rom*nja in the period under investigation. In addition, a dissertation and two monographs are being written by the two project leaders.
DFG Programme
Research Units