Synthesis and investigation of mono- and multinuclear molecular coordination compounds with physical and chemical induced electronic multistability
Final Report Abstract
Serveral series of compound have been prepared and investigated. Such as the reaction of 12 different iron(III)-complexes with five different octa- (Mo, W) and hexacyanides (Co, Ru, Fe) yield 40 different multinuclear complexes. Among them are 14 nonanuclear compounds, consisting of seven Mo (21-27) and seven W (28-34). Followed by additional 26 heptanuclear compounds, consisting of eleven Co (35- 41)&(53-56), eleven Ru (42-48)&(57-60) and four Fe (49-52). With the choice of the ligand coordinating the iron(III) precursor we investigate the different electronic and sterical influences on the magnetic and electronic behaviour through variation of the carbon chain length, substitution in N-Position and substitution on the aromatic rings. Infrared and mass spectroscopy indicate the formation of nona- and heptanuclear complexes. Elemental analysis didn’t appear to be too precise due to formation of metal carbides and other non-volatile compounds. Mössbauer spectroscopy identified at least twelve products performing thermal switching between ground state and excited state, among them are (23,24,27,29,30,36,37,45,53,54,57,58). Magnetic susceptibility measurements perfomed on (23,29,30,36,37,45) in the temperature range from 5 K to 300 K confirmed a corresponding change in the effective magnetic moment. The large number of high-spin centers in the molecule bears a strong magnetic moment and a total spin for the complex at high temperature. The experimental values estimated at room temperature are about 8/2 to 17/2. For the nonanuclear complexes a Smax of 40/2 is the upper limit. Mössbauer spectra at 20 K under light irradiation revealed a change of the spin state. This is unexpected for pentadentate Fe(III)-complexes and may be based on an light induced electron transfer between central metal and complex periphery. Highlights: Several new effects have been discovered: (1) thermal sequential and light induced concerted switching in multinuclear starshaped compounds, (2) the excited state-life-time prolongation by around 15 orders of magnitude SF-LIESST effect, (3) the light switching at room temperature LiPTH effect, (4) first dodecanuclear switching compound, (5) first heptanuclear X-ray of switching compound, (6) surface linked star-shaped compounds.
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