Project Details
Molekulare Analyse von Proteinkomplexen, die an der Signalübertragung zum Aktinzytoskelett beteiligt sind
Professorin Dr. Theresia Stradal
Subject Area
Cell Biology
from 2002 to 2008
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5469361
Final Report Year
No abstract available
(2004) Abi1 is essential for the formation and activation of a WAVE2 signalling complex. Nat Cell Biol., 6, 319-327
Innocenti, M., Zucconi, A., Disanza, A., Frittoli, E., Areces, L. B., Steffen, A., Stradal, T. E., Di Fiore, P. P., Carlier, M. F., and Scita, G.
(2004) Eps8 controls actinbased motility by capping the barbed ends of actin filaments. Nature Cell Biol., 6, 1180-1188
Disanza, A., Carlier, M.F., Stradal, T.E.B., Didry, D., Frittoli, E., Confalonieri, S., Croce, A., Wehland, J., Di Fiore, P.P., and Scita, G.
(2004) Regulation of actin dynamics by WASP and WAVE family proteins. Trends Cell Biol 14, 303-311
Stradal, T. E., Rottner, K., Disanza, A., Confalonieri, S., Innocenti, M., and Scita, G.
(2005) Aktindynamik und WASP/WAVE-Proteine. Biospektrum, 11(3), 283-286
Stradal, T.E.B., Wehland, J.
(2005) PREL1 links Ras signalling to actin remodelling via Ena/VASP proteins. FEBS Lett., 579, 455–463
Jenzora, A., Behrendt, B.,Small, J.V., Wehland, J., and Stradal, T.E.B.
(2005) Vinculin acts as a sensor in lipid regulation of adhesion site turnover. J. Cell Sci., 118, 1461-1472
Chandrasekar, I., Stradal, T.E.B., Holt, M.R., Entschladen, F., Jockusch, B.M., and Ziegler W.H.
(2005). Actin polymerization machinery: the finish line of signaling networks, the starting point of cellular movement. Cell Mol Life Sci., 62, 955-970
Disanza, A., Steffen, A., Hertzog, M., Frittoli, E., Rottner, K., and Scita, G.
(2006) Molecular regulation of cytoskeletal rearrangements during T cell signalling. In: Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation (RPCD); Volume: Cell Communication in Nervous and Immune System (eds. B. Schraven & E. Gundelfinger), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 43, pp 219-44
Stradal, T.E.B., Pusch, R., and Kliche S.
(2006) Protein complexes regulating cellular actin assembly. Curr. Op. Cell Biol., 18, 4-10
Stradal, T.E.B., and Scita, G.
(2006) The bundling activity of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein is required for filopodium formation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 103(20), 7694-7699
Schirenbeck A, Arasada R, Bretschneider T, Stradal TE, Schleicher M, Faix J
(2007) c-Met is essential for wound healing in the skin. J. Cell Biol., 177(1), 151-162
Chmielowiec, J., Borowiak, M., Morkel, M., Stradal, T.E.B., Munz, B., Werner, S., Wehland, J., Birchmeier, C., Birchmeier, W.
(2007) RIAM links the ADAP/SKAP-55 signaling module to Rap1, facilitating T- cell-receptor-mediated integrin activation. Mol. Cell. Biol., 27(11), 4070-4081
Menasche, G., Kliche, S., Chen, E.J., Stradal, T.E.B., Schraven, B., Koretzky, G.
(2009) IRSp53 links Tir to EspFU/N-WASP-mediated actin assembly in EHEC pedestal formation. Cell Host Microbe, 5, 244-258
Weiss, S.M., Ladwein, M., Schmidt, D., Ehinger, J., Lommel, S., Städing, K., Beutling, U., Disanza, A., Frank, R., Jänsch, L., Scita, G., Gunzer, F., Rottner, K. & Stradal, T.E.B.
(2009). Requirements for F-BAR proteins TOCA-1 and TOCA-2 in actin dynamics and membrane trafficking during Caenorhabditis elegans oocyte growth and embryonic epidermal morphogenesis. PLOS Genet., 5(10), e1000675
Giuliani, C., Troglio, F., Zucconi, A., Malabarba, G.M., Stradal, T.E.B., Bai, Z., Cassata, G., Confalonieri, S., Chen, E., Hardin J.D., Soto M.C., Grant B.D., Scita, G.