Project Details
The `Cretan detachment` and adjacent units in eastern Crete: Structure, kinematics, deformation mechanisms, and metamorphic evolution
Professor Dr. Gernold Zulauf
Subject Area
from 2002 to 2007
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5363787
Final Report Year
No abstract available
2003. Calcite Twinning Constraints on Alpine nappe emplacement, Hellenic Arc, Crete, Greece. 2003 Seattle Annual Meeting. Conference abstracts. Geological Society of America, Seattle
Campbell, H., Craddock, J. and Klein, T.
2004. Metamorphic Tripolitza rocks on top of non–metamorphic sediments: consequences for the geological evolution of Crete. 10th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Conference Abstracts. Geological Society of Greece, Thessaloniki, pp. 15–17
Klein, T., Zulauf, G., Craddock, J. and Heidelbach, F.
2005. A methodical approach to the Cretan Detachment. International Symposium on the Geodynamics of Eastern Mediterranean: Active Tectonics of the Aegean Region. conference abstracts. Kadir Has University, Istanbul, pp. 45
Klein, T., Zulauf, G., Craddock, J. and Heidelbach, F.
2006. Methodische Untersuchungen am Kreta-Detachment (Kreta, Griechenland): Anzeichen für eine alpidische Metamorphose der Hangendscholle. TSK 11. Symposium " Tektonik, Struktur- und Kristallingeologie". Universitäts Verlag Göttingen, Göttingen, pp. 108-111
Klein, T., Zulauf, G., Craddock, J. and Glodny, J.
2007. From early Paleozoic rifting to Cenozoic subduction: Records of pre-Alpine and Alpine orogenic processes in the External Hellenides. EGU. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European geological society, Wien, pp. 11556
Zulauf, G., Friedl, G., Klein, T. and Romano, S.