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Modulation atypischer "Multidrug Resistenzen" (MDR) mittels "Multitarget-Multiribozymen"

Subject Area Pathology
Term from 2002 to 2008
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5363320
Final Report Year 2008

No abstract available


  • (2003) Drug resistance in breast cancer. Cancer Ther. 1, 81-92
    Lage, H.
  • (2003) Enhanced exposure of phosphatidylserine in human gastric carcinoma cells overexpressing the half-size ABC-transporter BCRP (ABCG2). Biochem. J. 376, 489-495
    Woehlecke, H., Pohl, A., Alder-Baerens, N., Lage, H., and Herrmann, A.
  • (2003) Molecular analysis of therapy resistance in gastric cancer. Digest. Dis. 21, 326-338
    Lage, H.
  • (2004) Effective knock down of very high ABCG2 expression by a hammerhead ribozyme. Anticancer Res. 24, 2231 -2236
    Kowalski, P., Farley, K.M., Lage, H., and Schneider, E.
  • (2004) Stable and complete overcoming of MDRl/P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance in human gastric carcinoma cells by RNA interference. Cancer Gene Ther. 11, 699-706
    Stege, A., Priebsch, A., Nieth, C., and Lage, H.
  • (2005) Induction of the ABC-transporters Mdrl/P-gp (Abcbl), Mrpl (Abccl), and Bcrp (Abcg2) during establishment of multidrug resistance following exposure to mitoxantrone. J. Chemother. 17,215-223
    Nieth, C., and Lage, H.
  • (2005) Potential applications of RNA interference technology in the treatment of cancer. Put. Oncol 1, 103-113
    Lage, H.
  • (2005) Protection of platinum-DNA adduct formation and reversal of cisplatin resistance by anti-MRP2 hammerhead ribozymes in human cancer cells. Int. J. Cancer 115, 393-402
    Materna, V., Liedert, B., Thomale, J., and Lage, H.
  • (2005) Reversal of different drug-resistant phenotypes by an autocatalytic multitarget multiribozyme directed against the transcripts of the ABC-transporters MDRl/P-gp, MRP2, andBCRP. Mol. Ther. 11, 508-522
    Kowalski, P., Surowiak, P., and Lage, H.
  • (2005) Reversal of MDRl/P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance by RNA interference. International Congress Series 1277, 144-153
    Lage, H.
  • (2006) ABCC2 (MRP2, cMOAT) can be localized in the nuclear membrane of ovarian carcinomas and correlates with resistance to cisplatin and clinical outcome. Clin. Cancer Res. 12, 7149-7158
    Surowiak, P., Materna, V., Kaplenko, I., Spaczynski, M., Dolinska-Krajewska, B., Gebarowska, E., Dietel, M., Zabel, M., and Lage, H.
  • (2006) Complete Reversal of ABCG2-depending atypical multidrug resistance (MDR) by RNA interference in human carcinoma cells. Oligonucleotides 16, 263-274
    Priebsch, A., Rompe, F., Tönnies, H., Kowalski, P., Surowiak, P., Stege, A., Materna, V., and Lage, H.
  • (2006) MDRl/P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) as target for RNA interference-mediated reversal of multidrug resistance. Curr. Drug Targets 7, 813-821
    Lage, H.
  • (2006) RNA interferencetriggered reversal of ABCC2-dependent cisplatin resistance in human cancer cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 348, 153-157
    Materna, V., Stege, A,, Surowiak, P., Priebsch, A., and Lage, H.
  • (2007) Overcoming the classical multidrug resistance phenotype by adenoviral delivery of anti-MDRl short hairpin RNAs and ribozymes. Int. J. Oncol 31,419-430
    Kaszubiak, A., Holm, P.S., and Lage, H.
  • (2007) Regulation of MDR1 gene expression in multidrug-resistant cancer cells is independent from YB-1. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 357, 295-301
    Kaszubiak, A., Kupstat, A., Müller, U., Hausmann, R., Holm, P.S., and Lage, H.
  • (2007) Taxol resistance associated gene-3 (TRAG-3/CSAG2) expression is predictive for clinical outcome in ovarian carcinoma patients. Virchows Arch. 450, 187-194
    Materna, V., Surowiak, P., Kaplenko, I., Spczynski, M., Duan, Z., Zabel, M., Dietel, M., and Lage, H.
  • (2007) Überwindung der Chemotherapie-Resistenz humaner Tumoren. Laborwelt 8, 22-23
    Lage, H.
  • (2008) Complete in vivo reversal of the multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype by jet-injection of anti-MDRl short hairpin RNA-encoding plasmid DNA. Mol Ther. 16, 178-186
    Stein, U., Walther, W., Stege, A., Kaszubiak, A., Fichtner, L, and Lage, H.

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