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Chemically induced structure formation in amorphon solids and glasses

Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2001 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5352998
Final Report Year 2008

No abstract available


  • Mobility of catalyst molecules in low-dimensional geometnes. Chem Phys 282, 379 (2002)
    M Schulz, B M Schulz, P Reineker, S Trimper
  • Trail formation and condensation of trajectones in a direct walker model with feedback. Phys Letters A 299, 337 (2002)
    B M Schulz, P Reineker, M Schulz
  • Kinetics and energetics of reflected diffusion processes with time-dependent and space homogeneous force. New Journal of Physics 7, 190 (2005)
    P Chvosta, M Schulz, E Paule, P Reineker
  • Modellierung von Transportprozessen in Alkaliglasem Dissertation, Universität Ulm (2008)
    Joachim Sohns
  • Disorder induced anomalous behavior Cation conductivity of glasses and amorphous solids. J Non-Cryst Sohds 352, 5224 (2006)
    M Schulz, B M Schulz
  • Ion diffusion in a polymer network Monte Carlo studies and the dynamic percolation approach. J Non-Cryst Solids 352, 5136 (2006)
    B M Schulz, A Karatchentsev, M Schulz, W Dieterich
  • Numencal investigations of anomalous diffusion effects in glasses. J Non-Cryst Solids 352, 4884 (2006)
    B M Schulz, M Schulz
  • Diffusion process with two reflecting barners in a time-dependent potential. Phys Rev E 76, 011125 (2007)
    E Mayr, M Schulz, P Reineker, Th Pletl, P Chvosta
  • Sedimentation of particles acted upon by a vertical, time-oscillating force. New Journal of Physics 9, 2 (2007)
    P Chvosta, M Schulz, E Mayr, P Reineker

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