Project Details
Chemically induced structure formation in amorphon solids and glasses
Professor Dr. Peter Reineker (†)
Subject Area
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
from 2001 to 2009
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5352998
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Mobility of catalyst molecules in low-dimensional geometnes. Chem Phys 282, 379 (2002)
M Schulz, B M Schulz, P Reineker, S Trimper
Trail formation and condensation of trajectones in a direct walker model with feedback. Phys Letters A 299, 337 (2002)
B M Schulz, P Reineker, M Schulz
Kinetics and energetics of reflected diffusion processes with time-dependent and space homogeneous force. New Journal of Physics 7, 190 (2005)
P Chvosta, M Schulz, E Paule, P Reineker
Modellierung von Transportprozessen in Alkaliglasem Dissertation, Universität Ulm (2008)
Joachim Sohns
Disorder induced anomalous behavior Cation conductivity of glasses and amorphous solids. J Non-Cryst Sohds 352, 5224 (2006)
M Schulz, B M Schulz
Ion diffusion in a polymer network Monte Carlo studies and the dynamic percolation approach. J Non-Cryst Solids 352, 5136 (2006)
B M Schulz, A Karatchentsev, M Schulz, W Dieterich
Numencal investigations of anomalous diffusion effects in glasses. J Non-Cryst Solids 352, 4884 (2006)
B M Schulz, M Schulz
Diffusion process with two reflecting barners in a time-dependent potential. Phys Rev E 76, 011125 (2007)
E Mayr, M Schulz, P Reineker, Th Pletl, P Chvosta
Sedimentation of particles acted upon by a vertical, time-oscillating force. New Journal of Physics 9, 2 (2007)
P Chvosta, M Schulz, E Mayr, P Reineker